28 September, 2008


Please remind me to write about KUROSAGI Movie trip! *laughs*

I had a fun day by the way~


NEWS spam/wank/flail/fangirling/whatever *laughs*

Sorry for not giving a proper post, I promise the next post will be a proper update! *laughs* But first, let me get what I want to say out first~ Strangely, I got a little affected after reading some posts and comments~ Over at LJ of course! Not that I don't want to post there, but I find a little no point posting there when I'm already in hiatus for a long time.

I'm so outdated over there until I don't know how to start again~ *laughs* Anyway, I'm now listening to NEWS Happy Birthday Single already! It is uploaded here and click on the MF link because it usually works for most people~ *laughs* Thanks Emilia for the fast uploading!!

Basically, I was browsing through some posts over at LJ, then I found out that everyone holds different, in fact very different, opinions for this single. Generally, I love this single very much, to the state that I would really buy another copy just for the sake of keeping.

Actually, the feel has subsided. I don't really feel down now~ *laughs* Thanks to HB Single~ But, just now I really felt down. Because some claimed that they can't bring themselves to like the songs in HB. Suddenly I wondered, am I different? Why do I think that this single is wonderful, when others can't even bring themselves to listen~

But come to think of it, everyone's taste is different, you can't suit all~ So I'm still happy with my HB download~ When I get my copy I'll definitely rip out my version!^^ I always like things to fully belong to me~ *laughs*

For those who want to have a go, please listen to Happy Birthday Single! I think it is an excellent single of NEWS! It is comparable to Hoshi wo Mezashite! Almost! *laughs* I think my review will be coming up soon~ After that big review post I've done last time~ I want to do some ranking stuff too! *laughs* I'll do them then! Even though it is late now~ *laughs*

Ja ne!

20 September, 2008

last of the day!

Another MEME!! *laughs* 100 Qns again, I'm killing myself~

1. That you're doing this, we can assume you like NEWS at least some. Would you consider them your favorite Johnny's Entertainment group?
Oh yes you bet~

2. Can you name all 6 current members?
Who? *laughs* Of course.. Yamashita Tomohisa and the rest~^^ *oops* Tego, Massu, Kei, Shige, Ryo

3. What about the 2 not currently around?
Suddenly "koyama" came to my mind~ *laughs* Eh.. Uchi and Kusano~

4. Ninth who left a long time ago?
Mori.. Forgot.

5. How did you learn about NEWS?
I wonder too~

6. What was your first impression of NEWS?
No impression...

7. How did you come to like NEWS?
Kibou Yell? Yup~ This song~

8. What do you think is NEWS strongest point when compared to other JE/music/talent groups?
Hmmm.. Friendliness? Normal-ness?

9. What do you think is NEWS weakest point when compared to other JE/music/talent groups?
Live singing~ *sighs*

10. Are you listening to them right now?
Of course!^^ So happy!!

Music Related

11. Do you enjoy NEWS' music?
Why do you think I listen to them?

12. What are your 5 favorite NEWS songs? (Released on CD or not)
Argh.. Difficult choices!! But~ My first is Kibou Yell! Followed by... Party Time? Then of course Hoshi wo Mezashite, weeeek and Taiyou no NAMIDA then!^^

13. What's your all time favorite solo song?

14. What music genre do you consider NEWS?
I thought it was R&B, but it seems like they are trying on so so so many genres~ So.. JPOP~

15. What Japanese song would you love to hear NEWS do a cover of?
Hmmm.. Probably.. No idea.. I just hope no one does a cover of NEWS.. I don't want to imagine that~ Ok, maybe Tomadoi Nagara, since it is my fav... Wait~! I want "Lion Heart"!!!!!!!!! Yes!! They should sing some sad songs some day~ *laughs* If not "to heart"!!

16. What non-Japanese song would you love to hear NEWS do a cover of?
Eh.. How about 5566? I think some of their songs are really nice!! Since both are my fav boybands~ *laughs* Have some cultural exchange!!

17. Do you enjoy songs with all members or smaller groups better?
Everyone!! But sometimes it still depends on the song, whether I like it or not~

18. Can you sing all the lyrics to one or more of their songs?
Yes~^^ *proudly*

19. Do you have a favorite song title or lyric? What is it?
Difficult, but I can try.. I think, it will be "TAIYOU NO NAMIDA~~~~~~~~~~~~" *laughs* Since I'm singing it like no tomorrow~ But another one will be Daite's "tsk ahhh"... *laughs*

Favorite Related

20. Who's your favorite member?
Yamapi~^^ *hearts*

21. Who's your least favorite member?
I'm not sure.. They always change, if not, the 5 of them are all my least favourite? Since I don't rank after Yamapi~

22. Is there a member you could really do without?
Hmmm.. Not really.. They are all a part of the current NEWS. I treasure everyone's presence!!

23. Your favorite relationship between members (as friendship or more)?
Hmmm~ Probably elder brothers! Then I'll be flushed with all their loves!^^ Forever~! *laughs* But friendship is fine as well~

24. Who has the best fashion sense?
Pi~ (I don't really care about this anyway, so he is the best~)

25. Who normally has the best hairstyles?
Pi~ (I'm getting used and starting to like his current curly maggi-mee hair~ *laughs*)

26. Who's singing voice is your favorite?
Pi~ (But I have to admit, Tego is better at singing~)

27. Speaking voice?
Pi~ (You know? I'm biased~)

28. What’s your favorite NEWS group magazine shoot picture?
I'm too lazy to look through my 84371609391 pictures to find that favourite NEWS group magazine shoot picture...

29. Solo picture?
Same reason as above, but of course must be Pi~

30. Favorite shop photo?
I don't buy them..

31. Favorite CD cover?
Tough.. Probably Summer Time LE~^^

32. Favorite DVD?
N.E.W.S, now that they have 2, or rather 3, DVDs..

Member Related

33. If the members had become teachers, what do you think each would teach?
Pi - biology (I think it would be fun if he was to teach all those bio terms~ *laughs*)
Tego - soccer coach (he learns it doesn't he?)
Massu - swimming coach (he is a swimming coach~ If I didn't remember wrongly~)
Kei - history (Good at lecturing~ *laughs*)
Shige - mathematics (Brainy)
Ryo - music (Talented in musical instruments!)

34. Who seems most likely to show a different side of themselves on Christmas Eve?
Pi? He might be super playful.. Oh, no.. Then it should be Ryo, the serious and scary one becoming one warm and lovely being~

35. If NEWS rangers were created, what colors?
Erm.. I don't like rangers now. But if I have to choose, Pi is black, Ryo red, Shige green, Kei Pink, Tego purple and massu yellow~ *laughs* I dono why, don't ask me~

36. Please make NEWS into the ideal family.
Pi husband, Tego wife with house keepers KoyaTo, elder son Ryo, younger son Massu~

37. NEWS is a host club. Who would you pick, why?
Pi of course~ No reason~

38. What kind of costume would you like to see them wear at a concert that they haven’t already done?
I'm so ok with whatever they wear, I can't think of any.. But it's still better if they wear SOMETHING than NOTHING~

39. How would you like to be related to NEWS?
One of their irreplaceable staff whom they need everywhere they go, and in such a good relationship that Pi will play with the hat I wear~ *laughs* (Please refer to pacific Concert~)

40. Assign an animal to each member.
Pi - Dog
Kei - Cat
Shige - Rat
Tego - Squirrel
Massu - Hamster
Ryo - Fox


41. Which NEWS member reminds you most of one of your own family members?
Ryo~ I remember seeing him and thought he looked so much like my dad! *laughs*

42. Who seems most likely to dress up on Halloween and/or do cosplay?

43. Who do you think you could pass by on the street without noticing?

44. Who do you think has pulled the most all nighters?
What does it mean? Probably Shige. Since it's nothing good~ *laughs*

45. Which member would you want as a boss and why?
Kei~ Caring and forgetful and slacker~ *laughs*

46. Who would it be most awkward to catch in the erotic section of a video rental store?
Shige, he will have such a high pride~

Drama/TV Related

47. Do you watch the dramas containing NEWS members?
Sort of~

48. Do you watch dramas that DON'T contain NEWS members?

49. Have you seen all the dramas they've stared in?
Not really

50.What was the first Yamapi drama you saw?
Nobuta wo Produce, with no attention paid to the drama at all~

51. Do you wait for subtitles to watch a drama with NEWS members?
Sometimes, most of the times, always... I don't know~ Or.. Alright, probably not always..

52. Excluding Yamapi, which member of NEWS do you think has the best acting?
I assume you're already saying that Pi has the best acting right?^^ Must be Ryo then!

53. Excluding Yamapi, who's acting do you enjoy the most?
Again, you must have enjoyed his acting so much right? Ryo~

54. Is there a story you'd like to see made into a drama with one or more NEWS member?
Ouran High School Host Club? Just wondering who will act as twins. OH, KOYATO~ *laughs* Mori shld be Massu, Honey shld be Tego, while Tamaki being Pi and that specs guy RYo~ Oh, female, probably Maki, I still like her afterall~

55. Is there a certain type of role you’d like to see one of them play?
Not really, I don't really watch drama~

56. Do you watch Shonen Club?

57. Is your main reason for watching Shonen Club NEWS as guests or Koyama as host?
NEWS as guests?

58. Have you seen Yamapi and/or Tegoshi’s episodes on Shonen Club Premium?

59. Have you seen any other Shonen Club Premium episodes?

60. Did you regularly watch Ya-ya-yah!’s TV show?

61. Have you watched many/most of the older episodes?
Only the onigokku? Super exciting!

62. Did you try watching Say!Hey!Say! to see Koyama host?

63. Do you regularly watch Japanese music shows (Such as Music Station or HEYHEYHEY), or just when NEWS is featured?
Only when NEWS is featured, NEWS segment~

Fandom Related

64. Do you scan magazines?

65. Do you write fanfiction?
Tried, gave up~

66. Do you read fanfiction?
Read before, gave up.

67. Do you draw fanart?
Tried, gave up~

68. Do you enjoy fanart?
Not really, I want real thing.

69. Do you make image manipulations?
Tried, fail badly

70. Do you talk too much about NEWS?
What do you think?

71. Do you download pretty much everything that comes out?
Used to, no time now~

72. Do you upload for others?
Some of the times~

73. Do you make music/fan made videos?
Once, and only once~

74. Do you watch fanmade music/fan videos?
Not really..

75. Do you watch fancams?
Yes, if I have the time~

76. Do you do translations?
Now doing~

77. Do you read translations?
When it's interesting~

78. Do you follow their Jwebs?
Too busy to even follow Pi's!!!!!!!

79. Do you follow the rest of JE, or at least some of it?
Kei, since I'm translating~

80. Do you follow other Japanese musical groups?

81. Have you converted other people into NEWS fans?
Does Mai count?

82. Do your friends/family not interested in the group know about them?
Yes~ *laughs*

Merchandise Related

83. Do you own any NEWS CDs?
I do~

84. Do you own any DVDs?
I do~

85. Do you own any magazines?
I do~

86. Do you own any concert goods?
I do~

87. Do you own any shop photos?

88. Have any posters on your wall?

89. Any other special/not-above-mentioned items?
I wonder too.. Poker cards? *laughs*

90. If you could have any NEWS item given to you magically as a gift, what would it be?
Lifetime membership pass to all their concerts~ Not that greedy am I?

Final Part is Always Hardest

91. So. Are Uchi and Kusano coming back?
How would I know?

92. Do you want them back, why or why not?
No idea~

93. NEWS members having girlfriends- how do you feel?
At least they are not gays. But what if they are bi?

94. If you could meet and chat with just one of the members once in your life, who?
Pi~ Even though I doubt we can chat, since my Japanese is like....

95. Can you write the kanji for all member names?
Just pi's will do~

96. What do you think of Ryo being in both Kanjani8 and NEWS?
Poor guy.. The eye bags~

97. NEWS loses another member. Who is it, and why?
Ryo, split personality resulting in mental distortion or something and admitted into hospital.

98. Do you use the word “tabai”?

99. After this, one more question. You have to bring back one of the three lost members to NEWS- who is it?
Either one~ Probably I'll just draw lots~

100. …wasn’t this meme annoying?
I'm sleepy~

The end~

Another post!

My best Birthday Present from myself!

Sep 17, 2008 10:30 AM



9:22 AM

On FedEx vehicle for delivery


8:49 AM

At local FedEx facility


7:12 AM

Int'l shipment release


7:12 AM

In transit


Package available for clearance

6:59 AM

At dest sort facility


1:44 AM

Departed FedEx location


1:13 AM

Arrived at FedEx location


Sep 16, 2008 9:46 PM

In transit


4:58 PM

Left FedEx origin facility


4:27 PM

Picked up


4:25 PM

Package data transmitted to FedEx

Amazon parcel! With all my DVDs!
Right on my birthday! I was so happy!^^
I love FedEx!


Actually, I have another post drafted, but not completed, I wonder when am I going to complete it~ But nevermind, continue with a short post first!!

Today Star gave me a surprise! *laughs* She said she prepared for the surprise for a few days.. But I couldn't figure out what she was preparing.. Suddenly today she said she need to accompany the surprise with a physical item (previously she said it is not a physical item), and it was a cake..

We got my cake from breadtalk instead, thank you so much!!!^^ Super nice ok! Or probably because of my mood? Or probably it was like my next birthday cake since 3 or 4 years ago? I don't know~ But I love it! And what is that surprise?

"Umareta koto OH~
Deaeta koto OH~
Ima soba ni ireru koto arigatou
Kimi no Happy Birthday
Ichinen ni ichido no mahou tokubetsu na hi"

If you don't know what the above means, it's the lyrics to NEWS "Happy Birthday"!!! Thanks for learning the song!! I'm really so so so happy!!

So this is the side story of the day~ Pictures next time then! *laughs* I love that cake~ Too bad my last bite~ *cries*

I'm a happy girl now!
Because all the songs in Happy Birthday is super nice!
And I received good feedbacks about KUROSAGI movie!!
And I'm going to watch it in another 21+ hours time!!
Oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!

09 September, 2008

Still not enough sleep~

But I want to blog a little, on the movie I watched yesterday~

Yeah~ I watched HANADAN~ Not that I really wanted to watch it, but somehow I heard that the story was written by the manga author, so I suggested to watch it~ *laughs* In the end, I don't think it was written by the manga author at all~ *disappointed* But never mind, at least I enjoyed the movie. And I have several conclusions~

First Conclusion:
JE is vulgar.

*laughs* I'm kidding.. But then, I didn't exactly expect them to use vulgarities~ For people who know me well, I'm a little sensitive to the "F" word. No longer that sensitive now, but I don't really like it when people around me use it. So.. I don't think this is a spoiler, but if you think it is, don't read on, skip to the next point or something~ *laughs* When (suddenly I'm stuck here wondering how should I address the male lead... "Domyoji" or "MatsuJun"? Never mind...) Domyoji walked towards the caucasian, I expected him to speak some sort of english... Somehow, I do expect the word coming, but I was still shock when I heard it~ *laughs* I got a shock! Really! But Mai was making fun of it, because of the way he pronounced it, it became "hak" or some sort~ *laughs* Yes, that seems funny enough, and no longer that vulgar~ Next point then!

Hey, I realised I forgot to say something else, and I hurried onto the second point! *laughs* You know the reason I said JE was vulgar? Pi showed his middle finger in KUROSAGI Drama. Oh well, everyone is vulgar some way or another~ *laughs* But Pi looked so cool!^^ But he was vulgar!! Argh~

Second Conclusion:
MatsuJun has better prononciation than Pi, in English.

I thought of this suddenly when I was writing about the first point. I was about to write another point, but suddenly I thought of this, so I continued with this first~ So, MatsuJun was given many opportunities to speak English in this movie (I suddenly hate him for that, HMPH! *laughs*), and quite amazingly, I can understand all and his spoke quite well~ Quite a clear articulation, as well as accent~ Though still sounds a little awkward, it is overall better than Pi's. Pi's, was from KUROSAGI. But it is unfair for me to compare them, because the English they spoke are of different topics! One spoke common conversational English, the other one was Business English. I think that may be the reason why I can't really understand Pi's English. I'm tempted to re-watch Pi's English part again, but I can't. I must endure, just 2 weeks more! *laughs*

Third Conclusion:
Fujiki Naohito is the hottest in the movie, not F4~

I can't remember my third point, so I'm writing this first~ Mai and I had the same opinion! We discussed a little after the movie, and we both thought that he looked the best in the movie! *laughs* Frankly, he looked so much better than in Proposal Daisakusen, and so so so much better than all the 4 flower boys!! I think it is because of his hairstyle. Mai thought so too~

Fourth Conclusion:
Predictables, Unpredictables, Cliches

Well, this movie is full of the three I've mentioned above. I'm lazy to type~ *laughs* Xuan and I were guessing the scenarios out, and most of the times we hit it at the spot. *laughs* There were times where I tried to predict, but it came out totally opposite, and I'm happy about this, because at least this isn't any common movies where everything can be predicted~ But cliches, there are many too~ *laughs* You know those angles thing? Where the camera spins around the leads? Yes, I think it's so cliched and funny until I laughed out loud~

Fifth Conclusion:
I'm afterall a person who has a heart for the animals.

During a scene, there were fishes swimming in a fish tank. The moment I saw it, I knew they were going to break it to create some actions. Just as what I've predicted, they did. So right at that moment, my focus went onto that fish tank, and I was trying to see if any fishes were left, or they used an empty tank. Sadly to say, I saw fishes struggling, and I felt so sad for the fishes, even though they were meant to be eaten anyway~ *laughs* So I ignored all the actions going around, and focused at the fishes~ Mai sort of commented that I'm like a killjoy? Not sure~ *laughs*

Sixth Conclusion:
A good movie, with actions, romance as well as comedy~ Quite an all-rounder^^

Not bad, I enjoyed the movie, and I really laughed out loud during parts where they were supposed to be funny~ However, I wasn't able to get into the atmosphere/emotions/situation of the movie. I know at parts they were saddening/touching/frustrating/nerve-wrecking, but I couldn't get involved and feel them. I wonder what has gone wrong. Was it because of my lack of sleep? The cinema's atmosphere? My sub-conscious?

Seventh and The Last Conclusion:
I think I still prefer the manga.

*laughs* Well, that explains, because I'm a manga-lover afterall. I started off from the manga, so I should end with the manga. I think dramas do try to develop the stories well, but it is always the manga which manages to convey its story to the readers the most. For HYD lovers, I believe most of them started off as manga readers, like me^^ I'm a collector of HYD, but I don't really watch the dramas. Or I think the Taiwanese version had killed it~ *laughs* As in the part 2. Part 1 was fine, it followed the plot in the manga. Well, I guess I have to dig out the manga and read again~ I feel so HYD now! *laughs* Probably one day, I may watch the Japanese version. Probably~ *laughs*

Well, but I admit, the music is good~ But I found it a little familiar, in the end it was the same composer as the one who did it for KUROSAGI Movie. I think he is a famous composer, so it's not much of a surprise. One insert song did it for me, it really touched me I guess? *laughs* No wonder it's Tsukushi's Theme Song, because it suits her so much somehow. I like it and so I found it!^^

KissHug - aiko

The song above is it!^^ By the way, the live version of this song sounds great as well. And the singer's singing style or whatever seems akin to Massu! *laughs* I kept thinking of Massu! The link is here if you want to watch it~ I think this song is not bad though~ Worth listening. Next song, is Arashi's One Love, Theme Song for HYD Final I guess~ A nice song too~ It was only until this stage then I realised Arashi also kinda genki genki kind.. Hmmm.. I wonder why I like NEWS, not them~ *laughs* But there are a few songs which I like as well~ So, it's still ok~ Star pasted some rumours to me and that made me realised NEWS and Arashi are a little alike in their songs somehow. Genki genki. But NEWS is still better!^^ Just that NEWS has gotten a little ero~ *laughs*

One Love - 嵐

Last song, or rather insert, of the day, is my favourite BGM of KUROSAGI. I'm really happy that they included it in the OST. *laughs* Of course they will!^^ I think the songs will take a long time to come, because I'm only just starting to upload them, and imeem is a little slow now~ Argh. I want my KUROSAGI to be up~ Sacrificing Arashi! *laughs*

望みを抱いて - 山下康介

Alright, seems like I can't sacrifice any~ Never mind then. Things recently have been making me very happy^^ I think probably it's my birthday month? That's why I feel happy or I can regain my happiness back quickly? The power of birthday~ *laughs* Firstly, someone whom I missed a lot finally chatted with me a little! Even though a little, I'm so glad that we didn't lose contacts after 3 months of slience. *laughs* I must reply her later! If not tomorrow! *laughs*

Secondly, I'll be receiving my birthday presents! Yeah!^^ Thanks everyone who prepared them! I know you all prepared them! *laughs* I know I'll definitely get something from you guys, whoever is getting me presents! I shall thank everyone first! But not only this, this year, I'll be getting a present from someone overseas too!^^ She is a very nice person! Thanks so much Emilia!^^ I know what it's going to be, because it is something she intended to sell. However, when I requested for it, she immediately said she wanted to give me as a present^^ So I gladly accepted it~ Thanks!!!! *loves*

Thirdly, I had so many celebrations (despite of myself being broke) and I'm going to have celebrations again! *laughs* I have a pizza treat with Mai! For my birthday, and I'm going to treat her back for KUROSAGI Movie! Not to mention, my clique is going back to school to present our "baby" (I wanted to mean "Jie Jing" *laughs*), the Lavender Soy Milk. *laughs* Isn't that another kind of celebration? I also had KARAOKE session before my attachment, as well as many tiny outings which I can't remember now~ *laughs* Thanks everyone!^^ I enjoyed fully before my attachment!

And last but not least, NEWS is releaasing their 10th (but I considered it the 11th, never mind) single "Happy Birthday" near my birthday!^^ Even though it is not released on my birthday, I'm already very very happy for it!^^

So, I'm going to include another 2 inserts from KUROSAGI Movie again~ *laughs* I'll be very very super happy if you can listen to them~^^ (Including the one above~) All of these are my favourites!

クロサギの息吹 - 山下康介

勝負の行方 - 山下康介

So everyone, enjoy yourself to the fullest during this attachment period, holiday period, working period, whichever period you're going to have! *laughs* Ganbatte ne!


I watched it!! Yeah~ Hahah.. I'll update again tomorrow or when I have time! I'm going to bathe soon! Argh, not enough sleep already~ Next week watching KUROSAGI! Oh yeah! My Pi! *laughs*

Ja ne!

06 September, 2008

See no evil

*laughs* Just want to push that rant post down, so that you guys will see no evil~ The evil Mao I mean~ So, a little update on what I've been doing, plus some thoughts I had just now after visiting Bunka~ *laughs*

My attachment/internship has already started! Just this monday! It was fun overall I guess~ But a little tiring, due to the early reporting time and all. I know there are some who will be complaining about their longer hours and earlier reporting time, I know~ But then, you know how difficult it is for me to wake up early don't you? *laughs* So Mao has been trying hard to sleep before 12 and wake up before 6:30.

I learned a lot during this 5 days! Just 5 days! I learned a lot! *laughs* I got to touch the UHT machine on my second day! Meizi too in fact! And our supervisor said that we're very lucky. *laughs* And I got to handle UHT supplying on the third day onwards? *laughs* I even got to understand and handle the CIP for UHT on the fifth day! While all these were being done, we handled a few projects, all drink related, almost all on our own will occasional help and guidance from our supervisors. This makes me want to work harder everyday! *laughs*

But still, I've not familiarised with all the equipments in the lab yet. I want to learn more! I think Meizi too right? I have to write my log book soon! *laughs* I think working there is a good experience for us, because we seriously learnt so much out of the text that we studied in school. Of course the theory is there, but the practical is definitely different, and that's why we're able to learn more things, and gain more experiences.

So conclusion, internship is good. It really enriches your mind and soul! *laughs So everyone else, please work as hard or even harder for your internship! I look forward to meeting everyone soon!

Another thing, just now I went to Bunka (my japanese school) to collect something. Oh dear, I forgot about my cert! *laughs* Alright, I shall collect that probably next week I guess~ So, I went there, and I went to take a look at the schedule. All the timings that are remained are so unsuitable for myself. I feel a little quite very sort of disappointed when I realised that one of the saturday evening class may be conducted by my preferred sensei, Ando sensei. But still, I wouldn't be able to sign for that lesson because it is full right now and I don't really have the money yet. So no choice. Now all the timings left are weekday nights. Not for me. Argh. I want a weekend morning timing! But seems like it will be very far away, hopefully they open some sunday morning timing again~ And please let it be Ando sensei~

Oh, Ando sensei was there as well~ *laughs* He said "konnichiwa" to me! Hahaha, he has not forgotten me though~ What a good memory~ Basically, his teaching style is good~ He tends to be a little rush on time, but he explains well and more detailed. It was only after I took a replacement class, as I missed my class, then I know how another teacher was teaching badly. That teacher merely read from the text book, doesn't explain much, and is super duper boring~ Anyway, the teacher I'm having now is still better off than that teacher, so please please don't let me fall into his hands, my money will go to waste and my japanese will die~ *laughs* Anyway, Ando sensei always greet the students whenever he sees them~ So much so until my coursemates said that his is my "BF"~ *laughs* Good if he is biased to me, then if I really get into his class, I can get more tips know? *laughs* I'm willing to try another teacher, but I hope he or she will be a good one~

So, pray~ *laughs*

02 September, 2008

I'm going Bonkers


I feel like scolding vulgarities!!!!!!!!!! (Even though I don't.) Seriously, I CAN'T STAND THE FAMILY LIVING ON MY LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People who have heard from me, you know why already, people who hasn't, read on if you want to know~

Well, I got so pissed of all because of yesterday's night. You know I've started my attachment right? It's a 8.30 to 5.30 work, and everyday, I have to wake up around 6 plus and go out by 7 plus to reach my workplace on time. Therefore, I have to sleep around 10 or 11 in the night.

Yesterday, I finally was going to have my sleep. And I slept! Peacefully! Until a moment where I was woken up, by NOISE. I don't call that SINGING, I call that NOISE. And guess what? They are NOISE-ING now~ Argh! They are getting on my nerves!!!!!!!!!!! Want to know what kind of noise was that? Their children (yes, children, no longer child, I wonder where the other one came from~), were singing songs. To be exact, the songs are A-Mei's songs. One famous title, "KU BU CHU LAI" (meaning can't cry). Seriously, I listen to that kind of singing I also cannot cry la! How to cry?! *grumbles*

The children/child were/was singing know?!?! Or rather, shouting, screaming, creating noises with the MIC. Yes, MIC. I forgot to mention, THEY WERE USING A MIC, FOR A CHILD!!!!!!!!! What's worse? They switched the volume key TO THE MAX. TO THE MAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By the way, do you know what time was it? 12 midnight!! 12 MIDNIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the hell seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so super pissed off! They even created those noises where you place the mics close to each other, those screeching sounds. And you know how the child sings? "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Nice? Care to listen to it? Let me know and I'll record it LIVE for you, sounds nice?

And the parents + grandmother were not doing anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know what made me so pissed off? Was the the grandmother was still praising the child!! "Ay-seh~!!!!!!!!!!!!" *claps* -_____________________________________-||||||||||||||||| What the hell~

I don't know what's wrong with the family, but THAT WAS NOT THE FIRST TIME ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think it was the 877364236754130139411352751895 times? Whatever. Everyday, EVERYDAY!!!!! I hear A-Mei's concert from them to the stage where I can tell the sequence of the songs and how to sing the songs. Amazing? Their child sings the songs EVERYDAY!!!!!!!!!! ALL the howls, screams, screeches and more. I don't get WHY ON EARTH NO ONE COMPLAINT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't want to say more on their habits. Even though I'm only stating the truth. All I asked for, was for them to be considerate, and not blast music in the late night. But just before this, one last thing about them. They play Mahjong throughout the night occasionally. But that is occasionally, I can forgive that. NOT THE "SINGING". PLEASE. If I ever want to listen to A-Mei's, I'll buy the concert DVD, if not the tickets to the concert. I don't need you to DRILL the songs into my head EVERYDAY!!!!!!!!!!

ARGH! I felt so pissed off! I think I may give them a bad face if I went over to "request them to LOWER their volume". So Meizi, I don't think I'll ever go over. If I did it one day, rest assured, I'll be super pissed off and give them a scolding right at their faces. I was so pissed off yesterday night that I almost wanted to dial for police you know?!?! *SCREAMS*

*end of rants*