its raining heavily now.. and it makes me think of this line:
let the past and the bad be washed away, and here we are starting afresh.
haha.. took the hell like 17 seconds to rephrase the starting line.. dots.. like very long like that.. haha.. and i jus finish bathing.. all cuz of that stupid line above i have to type a new post.. so.. i muz say this..
doshaburi.. haha.. it means downpour!^^ and i'm not wearing my specs.. xian.. though can see la.. but i guess its bad for my eyes ne~ so.. i'm off to work!! argh.. the price to pay for slping early ytd.. and i owe the whole grp the presentation slides.. i'm supposed to type out my speech and also my part!!! argh.. alright... go work now~~
31 October, 2007
27 October, 2007
haha.. jus when i write hooray, i got NEWS Nippon playing on my imeem~ i muz faster upload all the songs i wan on imeem, then i can delete the songs^^ so my com will have more spaces.. first thing first, and most importantly..
i can finally get my 7500 Prism~!!! yeah!! haha.. hooray~ anyway, i saw a new phone today la.. kirei desu ne~ its 5310 Xpress music.. super cool la! and i wanted that phone too.. so i was too tempted, i went to check out the specifications.. in the end, its nothing compared to my prism, though it has dedicated keys and audio chip.. i admit that a music duty heavy phone is what i would like to have cuz i don have a mp3, but i look at different aspects as well.. haha.. so, i muz faster get going!! to slp and to make new ringtones for my phone~!!^^
anyway, if anyone is interested.. haha.. here are the links for there 2 phones that i've mentioned above and do a comparison urself.. i still think 7500 is better.. haha.. cuz it has the functions that i'm really looking for.. jus one bad point.. it has a navigator "joystick" instead of normal button.. and only 2 soft keys.. i'm more used to 4 keys.. so.. no worries!! i'll love that phone as much as my 6230i~!
Nokia 7500 Prism
Nokia 5310 Xpress Music
i can finally get my 7500 Prism~!!! yeah!! haha.. hooray~ anyway, i saw a new phone today la.. kirei desu ne~ its 5310 Xpress music.. super cool la! and i wanted that phone too.. so i was too tempted, i went to check out the specifications.. in the end, its nothing compared to my prism, though it has dedicated keys and audio chip.. i admit that a music duty heavy phone is what i would like to have cuz i don have a mp3, but i look at different aspects as well.. haha.. so, i muz faster get going!! to slp and to make new ringtones for my phone~!!^^
anyway, if anyone is interested.. haha.. here are the links for there 2 phones that i've mentioned above and do a comparison urself.. i still think 7500 is better.. haha.. cuz it has the functions that i'm really looking for.. jus one bad point.. it has a navigator "joystick" instead of normal button.. and only 2 soft keys.. i'm more used to 4 keys.. so.. no worries!! i'll love that phone as much as my 6230i~!
Nokia 7500 Prism
Nokia 5310 Xpress Music
24 October, 2007
fast/quick post
alright.. i succumbed to the temptation and i listened to Ai Nante.. haha.. i cant believe star heard it before i hears it.. haha.. my fault.. hor star? make you like Ai Nante.. haha.. let's sing together!! haha.. its nice la!! and the feel can jus keep building up if you listen to that song repeatedly.. haha.. anyway, i wanna post something.. impt.. haha.. to me i think^^
alright.. above, is the SUPER LONG REPLY FROM HABENYING.. anyone interested to listen to the recorded version? cuz they played Hoshi wo Mezashite!! haha.. another pointer, thanks to miltz.. she pointed out that la en ciel's latest album is named KISS, so yunji mixed it up with NEWS, not Tegomass no KISS KAERIMICHI NO LOVE SONG.. haha..
The non-edited version.wav
The edited version.mp3
credit to jess for the non edited version, and myself for the edited one.. haha^^
and i cant wait for my Pacific and weeeek!! and i need money!! ahhh..
hehe nownow maoling (is that how u wan me to call u? haha pls correct me if im wrong!)
firstly horrrr, ur koike teppei poster thingy --> wat happens for contests is that we'll email the winner's particulars to the record company for them to process. have checked with them liao cos i also received similar feedback that other winners havent received their turned out that the record company usually administers to contests by batches. This means that they wait till like a certain month to clear out all the prizes to give away, and the person told me that she'll be contacting all the winners on prize collection by October (which is soon la i noe haha so pls do let me noe if u all still dun get any info on it by the end of the month...gomen ne!) And then when u get ur koike darling's poster, u can drool on it every nite and watever i dun wanna noe (hahahahaha).
ok la jus kiddin la :P (i noe ur 1st love is still yamappi la)
okiee now about Song Requests :P We're really happy each week when we get email dedications, random info, and other emails from listeners like urself! :P hehe! but as u noe...this is our programme format: 5 Jap songs + 5 Korean songs in One (miserable) hour. so sometimes we've got a huge problem trying to play everyone's dedication la :P so sometimes wat we'll do is try to play one dedication out one week, and another listener's dedication another week....though unfortunately sometimes we'll have to give some songs a miss la.
Cos another thing is that since our show caters to all kinds of listeners with different music tastes, we try to maintain a balanced mix of songs from different genres so that listeners can be "informed" about the JK music scene in an all-rounded manner loh ^_^ plus cos anyway there're really a loTT of good artistes out there in addition to the more "popular ones"...and personally being a supporter of the underdog (ok this is jus me, Yunji) i will usually try to squeeze in one/two songs by not so "popular" artistes but which still sound fantastic...sorta feel like gotta recognise everyone's efforts la heh :)
den about the Programme extension hor...wah u noe, honestly am very very heartened to see emails from urself and other listeners telling us how much u all would like the programme to be lengthened, cos it means u all (probably) like the show, and thats very very encouraging to us ^_^
well, if u'd like, u can send in ur recommendations and suggestion to the general feedback box for Yes933 loh :) the email's at heh. but of cos gotta put in a word for huishi jie la, in the end if she's unable to lengthen the programme, dun blame her or feel sian ok? ^_^ cos the thing about radio is that we cater to a very wide audience la, not to mention Yes933 being the station with the most listeners. so she faces a tough decision trying to balance up all the programming content..cos other ppl will question, "why u lengthen this leh? ur a chinese station ma" and say other stuff la.
nonetheless, no matter wat the outcome it's gonna make no difference to Ha Ben Ying la, cos we'll still be putting in our 101% to make sure the show's as interesting / informative as possible, and select the nicest songs for u all to listen to each wk ^_^ as long as the show brings a smile to ur hearts each week, then i tink i'll be more than happy to noe that i've achieved wat i've set out to do liao la :)
k now for the personal replies haha:
To Maoling: wahlaUuuuu u actually really went to photoshop the TakuyaKimura + Chen Xiao Dong pics together ahhh?!?! hahahahahah so hilarious la caN!? :P but i had a good laugh la so thanks :P
and well heh, though i'm not as zealous a fan as u all are over artistes, i admire them in their own rights la and for their various merits...cos i feel its really so so not easy for these artistes to survive and do well in the J-entertainment scene. So competitive! but well, i believe that everyone in this world has their merits and their beautiful side, its jus whether its been given a chance to shine, and whether we see it or not. :)
To Jess: thanks girl (i assume girl la ah haha)! hopefully u've managed to get thru the loooong email to this part :P well, nemmind if u dun manage to "promote" HaBenYing to all ur frens la :) different ppl got different tastes ma :P but wat matters is that if u can walk away each week with something fuzzy in ur heart from HaBenYing, then i guess our job's done. And here's all the best in ur studies k! may u find wat u truly love, and work hard to achieve ur dreams ^_^
To Wanxxiin: haha i tink if NEWS really came to Singapore to hold a concert u will be REALLY broke for that month. Cos i tink u confirm buy the most exp ticket jus to see the sweat trickle down their faces. (OK kiddin laa). :P
I also hope NEWS will have more good songs reserved for their "group act" and not jus solo acts, then the group will last longer and leave a greater legacy :) but that being said, there're many other good artistes out there too la, so remember to support them too!
To Miltz: haha dun say im a Yamappi fan laa..:P...feel like a li'll fangurl but im NOT a girl!!! +_+" hahahaa lets jus say i really do admire him for his versatility in acting and singing and well basically...actually im jus very much smitten with Proposal Daisakusen laa (hehe yes i noe its been shown quite a while liao) cos the story's jus so so sweet. i tink the female lead is really sweet too! simple, intelligent, kind, and subtly beautiful, not overpowering. :):):) well, wat can i say! happy listenin to HBY every wk ya!
To Mai: haha yes ur not the only one Mai, i heard that there was another Malay girl who's a listener too :) but anywayssss, regardless of wat nationality, race, religion u are, i'm sure people can appreciate good music when they hear it! ^_^ Music transcends all boundaries. :) well, as for NEWS' hoshi wo mezashite, its our pleasure to play a good song la :) but u all are lucky la that i got something to tok about why we're suddenly playing that song la haha..cos jus happens i wanted to intro to the listeners that they're coming up wif a new single n album next month. heh. anyway, really appreciate ur warm wishes la..sometimes when we face obstacles in our work, its these encouragements that keep us goin. :)
And now to end it all off..haha, if u've gotten this far, good for u. it means u've (1) got a lotta spare time (2) u like reading (3) u can tolerate the many :) and ^_^ and :P that are scattered throughout the email.
no la, i jus wanna say that the reason why its so long, is cos i feel that since u all take the effort to email us, we would definitely try our best to properly reply u all la :) but if in the future there comes a time when we're too busy to reply in detail do understand k? :)
meanwhile, take good care of urselves, and God bless. ^_^
liyi & yunji
anyway jus for the record haha i usually dun write so long emails simply cos time's not really on my side boohoo. got a really heavy workload in uni (i take filming, radio, and broadcast media as my major) so yeah it can get really rough squeezing out time haha.
so usually the only time i have to reply to the emails we get are like during lectures, or at night loh...+_+" today for example, had a whole day of filming super tired haha. anyway yupyup wish u all the best in watever ur doin k!
jya naaaa~!
yes, final pointer haha. this is the 3rd email i've sent to "confirm" that i accidentally mixed up the names of NEWS' new album/single with another group......sigh. Gomen ne minna!
will rectify it next wk la k? :P all the best to NEWS' new album/single! (pray hard pls haha)
alright.. above, is the SUPER LONG REPLY FROM HABENYING.. anyone interested to listen to the recorded version? cuz they played Hoshi wo Mezashite!! haha.. another pointer, thanks to miltz.. she pointed out that la en ciel's latest album is named KISS, so yunji mixed it up with NEWS, not Tegomass no KISS KAERIMICHI NO LOVE SONG.. haha..
The non-edited version.wav
The edited version.mp3
credit to jess for the non edited version, and myself for the edited one.. haha^^
and i cant wait for my Pacific and weeeek!! and i need money!! ahhh..
20 October, 2007
a busy day?
haha.. how can today be a busy day for me? i slp till 2:30 la.. haha.. but i have loads to do.. so i guess you can call it a busy day.. upcoming day.. for me..
alright.. most importantly, i muz write out a to-do list for myself.. haha.. i'll do it right after this.. haha.. i have lots to do.. such as laundry, cd burning, project researches, tutorials and something that i'm supposed to do but i forgot.. haha..
anyway!! this post has a purpose!! i'm suppose to write down something!! haha.. that is..

yeah!! haha.. i'm getting that earring!! haha.. actually, i don wanna spoil the fun of asking ppl where had they seen the earring before, esp Mai and fellow yamapi fans.. but, i jus wan to spread my happiness!!^^ though yamapi wears it on his left, i'm going to take the one for the right.. haha.. but i'm definitely taking gold!! let's hope i don get allergic reactions after wearing that.. haha.. i'm so lovin it!!! Thank You Meizi!! *hearts* haha.. jus wonder how she finds it.. haha..
alright.. plans for now.. i mean money saving plan.. i need to save up $40+ for taiwan goods, $20 for this earring, $100+ for my prism phone, $40~60 for that connectivity cable for that prism phone, cuz Nokia is so cunning enough to sell it separately, $40+ for a 2GB micro SD card for my phone, $260+ for my Proposal Daisakusen DVD..
there are different deadlines, hmmm..
24/10/07 ~ $60+ (taiwan goods & earring)
31/10/07 ~ $100+ (prism)
??/??/?? ~ $100+ (prism necessities)
03/12/07 ~ $260+ (ProDai DVD)
total $520.. and you know what? i haven see the doc yet.. argh.. that's so.. i'm broke..blame Pacific and weeeek and NEWS.. anyway, i still gotta do laundry, and i'm so going to survive on bread.. but i wont really torture myself.. maybe i'll buy $2 worth of bread each day, + $2 worth of fruits to fill myself up.. the rest? i still have those plain crackers to fill myself up.. haha.. i shld stock on some chilli sauce, or sambal sauce, then eat with plain crackers.. trust me, its kinda nice^^
jus did some calculation.. argh.. i need to save $11.80 per day to reach that target.. oh please!! my allowance per day ranges from $9~$15.. how to save if its only $9?! ahhhhhhhhhhh.. i'm dead..someone shoots me please..
i can survive!! haha.. maybe i can leave my prism accessories to next year.. but i have to survive with little music.. which is what i think i cant tolerate.. nvm.. will come up with a solution.. haha..
i jus edited my wishlist.. haha.. with more things added, but with some things taken as well.. haha.. i think my wishlist has some power.. somehow whatever i wrote there i can get it.. haha.. really? haha.. so.. i'm going to ask for good results in there later!^^ haha.. and i love NEWS!!!
alright.. i forgot that i had this wishful thinking.. but if one day i really have all the material i need, i'll risk and do it!! that is.. in my wishlist, i wished to get a pure white tote bag.. that is cuz, then i can draw the NEWS DVD cover onto the bag.. since i've seen shoes painted, why cant i try to paint my own bag? that is if i hav the appropriate tools and paints and the bag.. its not going to happen now.. but no one knows.. i might get it happened next year.. another thing is.. maybe i can use another design, not necessary NEWS DVD.. but then.. i really love the design.. haha.. and i can be so proud cuz that will be the one and only^^ i muz do it.. some day!! haha.. if possible, i'll try to mimic yamapi's signature on it, to make it more unique!!wat if this bag meets yamapi one day? and the NEWS sign maybe.. or some scribbles of their names on it.. haha.. or song titles even!! ahhh.. i'm so excited thinking bout it!^^
alright.. most importantly, i muz write out a to-do list for myself.. haha.. i'll do it right after this.. haha.. i have lots to do.. such as laundry, cd burning, project researches, tutorials and something that i'm supposed to do but i forgot.. haha..
anyway!! this post has a purpose!! i'm suppose to write down something!! haha.. that is..

yeah!! haha.. i'm getting that earring!! haha.. actually, i don wanna spoil the fun of asking ppl where had they seen the earring before, esp Mai and fellow yamapi fans.. but, i jus wan to spread my happiness!!^^ though yamapi wears it on his left, i'm going to take the one for the right.. haha.. but i'm definitely taking gold!! let's hope i don get allergic reactions after wearing that.. haha.. i'm so lovin it!!! Thank You Meizi!! *hearts* haha.. jus wonder how she finds it.. haha..
alright.. plans for now.. i mean money saving plan.. i need to save up $40+ for taiwan goods, $20 for this earring, $100+ for my prism phone, $40~60 for that connectivity cable for that prism phone, cuz Nokia is so cunning enough to sell it separately, $40+ for a 2GB micro SD card for my phone, $260+ for my Proposal Daisakusen DVD..
there are different deadlines, hmmm..
24/10/07 ~ $60+ (taiwan goods & earring)
31/10/07 ~ $100+ (prism)
??/??/?? ~ $100+ (prism necessities)
03/12/07 ~ $260+ (ProDai DVD)
total $520.. and you know what? i haven see the doc yet.. argh.. that's so.. i'm broke..
jus did some calculation.. argh.. i need to save $11.80 per day to reach that target.. oh please!! my allowance per day ranges from $9~$15.. how to save if its only $9?! ahhhhhhhhhhh.. i'm dead..
i can survive!! haha.. maybe i can leave my prism accessories to next year.. but i have to survive with little music.. which is what i think i cant tolerate.. nvm.. will come up with a solution.. haha..
i jus edited my wishlist.. haha.. with more things added, but with some things taken as well.. haha.. i think my wishlist has some power.. somehow whatever i wrote there i can get it.. haha.. really? haha.. so.. i'm going to ask for good results in there later!^^ haha.. and i love NEWS!!!
alright.. i forgot that i had this wishful thinking.. but if one day i really have all the material i need, i'll risk and do it!! that is.. in my wishlist, i wished to get a pure white tote bag.. that is cuz, then i can draw the NEWS DVD cover onto the bag.. since i've seen shoes painted, why cant i try to paint my own bag? that is if i hav the appropriate tools and paints and the bag.. its not going to happen now.. but no one knows.. i might get it happened next year.. another thing is.. maybe i can use another design, not necessary NEWS DVD.. but then.. i really love the design.. haha.. and i can be so proud cuz that will be the one and only^^ i muz do it.. some day!! haha.. if possible, i'll try to mimic yamapi's signature on it, to make it more unique!!
17 October, 2007
Killer Semester = KS = Kill Still
alright.. it is only the 2nd day of school.. and the work load is heavier than a truck.. argh.. a summarised form of work load..
Project 3 ~ group of 7, army field rations.. research on the dif between overseas and local(current work) ~ due 22/10
Food Biotechnology ~ group of 3, pros of GM food ~ due 26/10
Safety & Quality ~ group of 5, For Bovine ~ due 23/10
that's all.. includes research, hard and soft copies, journal articles, book and web references..moreover, summarised.. thank you..
ahhhhhhh.. and for no reason i'm chosen for being leader for FBT and S&Q.. nvm.. i know in the end meizi will help me.. argh.. i'll be more organized!!! pls be patient with me k..
the main thing, i finally remember i wanna say.. is that.. haha.. i'm so used to NEWS and weeeek that i typed weeeek rather than week.. and i type NEWS very often rather than news.. my hand jus went over to the shift button automatically.. haha.. i love my hands.. my NEWS-Loving Hands.. haha.. and also, i couldn believe that i wrote NEWS on a paper when all i wanna write is "new" something.. the "s" jus came so naturally.. haha.. and today, during nutrition science, one slide came out and immediately the word i noticed was "SENSATIONAL NEWS".. actually not, it was a "news" before that "SENSATIONAL NEWS", and i shouted "NEWS!".. haha.. i love NEWS!! and while picking who to do the pro and the cons, meizi wrote something.. and i got the word "P".. and i was like, "what is this? 'b'?" and then meizi told me its pros, and i was like, "P!!! YamaPI!!!! <33333333" haha.. funny me.. but i like this NEWS-Loving Maureen.. haha..
16 October, 2007
mentally tired
i dono what is happening.. but i'm feel very messed up.. argh.. i guess i'm tired.. mentally.. to a state that i don want to think anymore.. let's ee if JE songs really help to boost my spirits up.. this is a chance for you to prove urself!! JE!!
15 October, 2007
the first day of school was chaotic.. for me at least.. anyway, cant pay much attention, too tired.. didn slp much.. ytd, went to meet sally.. she's not a bad person, and she really reminds me of jiayi.. if anyone still remembers her, yup, that's the impression i have for sally.. so.. i'm really kinda scare that sally and i will turn into another jiayiXme.. i dono bout that.. but ytd we had a real long chat.. talked too much.. gomen ne Mai, made you waited for so long..
Good NEWS first!! habenying accepted my(our) request!! minna san, remember to tune in to habenying @ 10pm on this coming sunday for it k!! i'm so happy!! by wed i'm so going to reply habenying la.. i find yunji to be a very nice guy as well.. haha.. maybe i can ask him when am i going to have my teppei poster ne.. haha..
next, i have to say this.. what exactly happened when i know that my song of choice can be played next week.. hehe.. firstly, i sent the email on sat ne.. or fri night.. forgot.. then, i listened to habenying ytd, but the song was not played and nothing was mentioned bout it.. so i was disappointed la.. of course.. but but but, when the show ended, i saw the mail ne.. and i was a bit shocked, i started to read it..
(told by mai) while i started to read, she was awaken(slightly) by my voice,(she was slping on my bed la..) but then i suddenly screamed at the top of my lungs, and totally woke her up.. *laughs* and sally was on my phone, so i hurt her ears as well.. so sorry, the both of you..
anyway, so i screamed when i read the part they said they will be playing the song Hoshi wo Mezashite next week^^ and i was so excited for the night^^ anyway, the email:
and the replies!^^:
isnt jk aka yunji a real fun guy?! haha.. he likes yamapi ne~~ so happy~ and i think that i can think a lot while bathing.. and forgets everything after bathing.. that's a nice trick.. will teach everyone when i know why i act that way.. jya na! (haha.. copy jk)
Good NEWS first!! habenying accepted my(our) request!! minna san, remember to tune in to habenying @ 10pm on this coming sunday for it k!! i'm so happy!! by wed i'm so going to reply habenying la.. i find yunji to be a very nice guy as well.. haha.. maybe i can ask him when am i going to have my teppei poster ne.. haha..
next, i have to say this.. what exactly happened when i know that my song of choice can be played next week.. hehe.. firstly, i sent the email on sat ne.. or fri night.. forgot.. then, i listened to habenying ytd, but the song was not played and nothing was mentioned bout it.. so i was disappointed la.. of course.. but but but, when the show ended, i saw the mail ne.. and i was a bit shocked, i started to read it..
(told by mai) while i started to read, she was awaken(slightly) by my voice,(she was slping on my bed la..) but then i suddenly screamed at the top of my lungs, and totally woke her up.. *laughs* and sally was on my phone, so i hurt her ears as well.. so sorry, the both of you..
anyway, so i screamed when i read the part they said they will be playing the song Hoshi wo Mezashite next week^^ and i was so excited for the night^^ anyway, the email:
Dear Liyi and Yunji,
We are a group of NEWS (a Japanese boyband from Johnny's Entertainment) fans who have been tuning in dutifully every sunday evening for our dosage of "ha ben ying". Firstly, we feel that ha ben ying is a fantastic programme which provides interesting facts on korean and japanese culture as well as keeps as up to date with the japanese/korean music hits of the week.
on this coming sunday 14/10(if not possible, how about 21/10?), we would like to request for this song Hoshi wo Mezashite by NEWS?
we NEWS fans have been waiting for their songs to be played on Habenying for a very long time, and will be really happy if more of their songs are played
we also want to take this chance to congratulat3 NEWS on their recent Taiwan concert! Although they had to postpone their first show due to the taiwan typhoon, they were undaunted and put up a fantastic performance for both shows on the next day. We are proud of you, NEWS!
we think that NEWS is a very talented BoyBand and there should be more coverage on them in Singapore. For example, Tegomass is part of NEWS and they are very successful in Taiwan as well. Many of them are also involved in jdramas such as ryo in one litre of tears, tegoshi in my boss my hero and of course, yamapi in many dramas such as nobuta wo produce and the more recent proposal daisakusen. Yamapi is currently filming the movie version of kurosagi due for release early next year and we really hope that it will be shown in cinemas here.
moreover, NEWS will be releasing their new album and single in mid november, we really hope that habenying can have more information on this and also provide more updates on japanese pop music.
Habenying is an enjoyable programme that many, including us, look forward to every week. It is regrettable that the whole programme lasts for a mere 1 hour each week. We would be thankful if there is more than one broadcast of habenying every week (and by that we don't mean repeat broadcasts ) With that, we hope that more singaporeans will come to learn more about and appreciate the japanese culture especially.
Sincerely and truly,
MediaCorp Communities - Johnny's Entertainment Artists - 杰尼斯艺人
Hi there!heh really glad to receive your email! It really makes us very heartened to know that we have such passionate listeners who tune in every week ^_^ And thanks so much for your suggestions and info, really, it helps remind us of the highlights in the JK music scene, simply cos there's sOOoo much that happens on the scene all the time hahaha.Well, really sorry this week the song list's kinda full already....but we've discussed and shall play NEWS's song next week (21 Oct 2007 Sunday) okie? Cos the thing is that like i said, there're really too many many artistes on the scene now, and we'd like to give as wide a coverage as possible, so that more people can have a chance to appreciate the different kinds of music there is in the JK music scene now :)This week for the jap songs list, mainly its been a string of new releases by rock/punk/ska and hiphop bands, so no space to squeeze in one more song la heh, hope u understand k? :)Personally i'm also an admirer of Yamappi la haha, think he's really very very talented. And yeah i totally agree with you that NEWS (and tegomass) is a really outstanding group. I love their songs too! haha think they're lucky to get good songs which are catchy and sometimes touching too ^_^ So as part of the song rotations we'll play NEWS's song next wk okie?NEWS will be really happy to know they've got fans like yourselves la...haha so up to date with all their current news :D If u all were in taiwan, i tink u'd go crazy, cos u know they also were selling NEWS souvenirs, and according to info the queue was totally crazy heh.anywayyy...abt the 1 hour thingy, we also know its really short :( but no choice loh, the programming schedules is like that. We only have the zest and the love for JK music/culture, but haha we got no authority to change the programming. haha maybe if u all email the yes933 feedback box, then our boss will notice ba :Pokie, gtg liao...thanks for tuning in ok! if ur having exams, good luck! :P----------------liyi n yunjihehe forgot to mention that i totally loved yamappi's role in Proposal Daisakusen! :P It was all so sweet the whole show. :P this is just besides the point, but i've always felt he looks a bit like a cross between "Chen Xiao Dong" and "Takuya Kimura"....+_+" hahaha.k la really gtg now :P jya na!----jk
isnt jk aka yunji a real fun guy?! haha.. he likes yamapi ne~~ so happy~ and i think that i can think a lot while bathing.. and forgets everything after bathing.. that's a nice trick.. will teach everyone when i know why i act that way.. jya na! (haha.. copy jk)
14 October, 2007
jus a short post before i slp.. first thing, tml i'm meeting sally/hui yu out.. i dono which one to use to call her.. nvm.. tml see liao see what is my first reaction.. na.. i'm actually a bit scare la.. cuz usually i don give ppl good first impression.. most of the frens i have are those that i've known for a very long time ne..
basically, i really wonder why mai came and talk to me.. haha.. and how yan xuan and i become such good friends.. how meizi and i started out.. haha.. i only got 3 friends ah? poor thing ne.. hehe.. kidding.. anyway, yup.. this is what i mean..
anxious bout tml i guess.. she seems to be a good person!! haha.. of course she is.. but can we really be good friends? hmmm.. there are many kinds of friends ne.. so i wonder what kind will we be.. hehe.. anyway, gotta slp.. meeting her as early as 1030.. don even think i have to time to wake up and check mail or something.. haha..
basically, i really wonder why mai came and talk to me.. haha.. and how yan xuan and i become such good friends.. how meizi and i started out.. haha.. i only got 3 friends ah? poor thing ne.. hehe.. kidding.. anyway, yup.. this is what i mean..
anxious bout tml i guess.. she seems to be a good person!! haha.. of course she is.. but can we really be good friends? hmmm.. there are many kinds of friends ne.. so i wonder what kind will we be.. hehe.. anyway, gotta slp.. meeting her as early as 1030.. don even think i have to time to wake up and check mail or something.. haha..
13 October, 2007
haha.. again.. i went to the forum ne.. and i saw loveloads.. and i immediately recognized her as cr buddy.. but she sort of forgotten.. haha.. and then from forum, become msn, and finally becoming phone calls and msg.. that's fast man!! haha.. made a new friend again!! i realised something.. NEWS fans are all good ppl! haha.. they muz be.. cuz THEY ARE NEWS FANS!!
yoroshiku ne! hui yu/sally san!! haha..
on the other hand.. i forgot what i wanna type.. oh.. yes.. how ah.. mise.. argh.. i wan my money back!! i wan order online from AMAZON JP!! please!! i really wanna do it!!! onegaishimasu!!!
oh.. i have a few photos again! but then.. i lazy transfer leh.. tml la.. haha.. i ate matcha manjyu and the Kuri daifuku already!! and i love the daifuku!!! from now on i'm going to buy it!! recommendation!!! daifuku!
yoroshiku ne! hui yu/sally san!! haha..
on the other hand.. i forgot what i wanna type.. oh.. yes.. how ah.. mise.. argh.. i wan my money back!! i wan order online from AMAZON JP!! please!! i really wanna do it!!! onegaishimasu!!!
oh.. i have a few photos again! but then.. i lazy transfer leh.. tml la.. haha.. i ate matcha manjyu and the Kuri daifuku already!! and i love the daifuku!!! from now on i'm going to buy it!! recommendation!!! daifuku!
12 October, 2007
let's hope that Mise can be good and refund me.. then i can order on amazon.. really then saving money.. hontou ni! onegaishimasu!! ahhhhhhhhh.. i'm so confused!! i've not slept yet.. i was bothered by all these money issues.. argh.. how how how?? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..
alright.. i need to calm down.. anyway, help me ne? kami-sama? onegaishimasu!
alright.. i need to calm down.. anyway, help me ne? kami-sama? onegaishimasu!
yeah! japan spree!!
haha.. i went orchard with meizi.. when i said i wont spend money, in the end i bought a load of japanese sweets home.. haha.. pictures below ne.. haha..
My TegoPi*hearts* (stupid!! no more heart shape from now onwards!!!)

ne ne!! saw that pic in Mise and i knew it immediately i had to buy it!! haha.. so i bought it.. like it so much!! yeah!! my first TegoPi! and will always be!^^
Matcha Manjyu~$2.00

Fukuwatashi Senbei~$2.20($2.60)

alright.. firstly, i didn eat this first.. i ate this last.. anyway, i didn finish all the food i bought today la!! aiyo.. first thing, NOT RECOMMENDED FOR THE WEAK-TEETH-ED. my goodness, i wonder was it cuz of the size or what, but its super hard!! but crunchy at the same time.. and i couldn taste the cream.. i had to open it and lick the creamlike an oreo, but it wasn really that special.. it taste like.. normal waffle biscuit.. like the jullie's(forgot the spelling).. yup.. but it wasnt that bad too.. and the price.. that auntie type wrongly leh.. wa lau.. eat my 40 cents.. and that card was at the bottom of the senbei.. i don understand wat was written in it.. and i didn attempt to too.. haha.. too full!^^
Kuri Daifuku^^~$2.60


alright.. overall.. i bought this cuz i tot it would be nice? there are plum one, and yuzu's.. but i think their different ne, and i chose this one.. hmmm.. in the end.. it didn turn out to be very nice.. the white jelly you see there, has a very weird plastic taste.. i wonder if it was due to the packaging.. but.. the kumquat is nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love it!!!!!!!!! haha.. it had the skin on but it wasn bitter at all!! and also, it was juicy inside!! i love it!!! so i forced myself to finish the white jelly before eating the kumquat.. haha..
Kachi Guri~$4.60

hmmm.. for this one right.. i think its not bad.. firstly, let me introduce ne.. its chestnut, covered with mashed chestnut.. so this is for CHESTNUT LOVERS like me.. haha.. but but but.. i'm so picky.. haha.. the outside is a bit too sweet ne.. i love the whole chestnut!! its nice!!
Kohakukan Ume~$6.00

have not tried it yet.. but the ingredients includes plum liquor!! haha.. so excited! i'm not underage anymore too!! yeah!! see when i got the mood will try it!^^

oh... this is.. i dono how to say.. the moment i see it i knew i wanted to try it.. haha.. i saw it alot in mangas ne.. then they'll cut it with a satay stick.. and eat!! i used a toothpick though.. haha.. but then.. the taste.. i dono how to describe.. kinda powdery.. and sweet.. but not very sweet.. not much of other taste though.. a bit bit bit bean taste.. and the inside is softer than the outside.. though they are made of the same thing.. haha.. and i chose this design cuz it was the one that looked mostly like the one i had in my mind.. there are a few in other shapes!! they look so delicate!! haha.. i tot its was chewy.. but it was soft! and mushy? yup.. haha.. not a bad sweet..

haha.. this was the thing that i tried first out of all!^^ and the reason i buy that? i once saw Yamapi ate it on a show.. and i know i muz try this as well^^ YamapiPowerNe.. haha.. so.. i had the most comments with this i think? haha.. look at the pics.. this has the most number k? or izit the same? nvm.. haha.. so its actually a kind of jelly power made from some root.. kuzu root if i'm not wrong.. and with added starch they made it into this^^ as you can see above ne.. it was placed in a tube, with one pusher(that's what i call it.. since i dono the actual term) and all you do is to push the jelly thru the mould and it will come out in strips.. haha.. i once ate the konnyaku noodles so i tot the texture will be somewhat the same.. but it wasn! to my shock!! haha.. and that sauce.. i accidently dripped some on my finger and i licked it.. tot it tasted like the sweet sauce we always use for char kway teow.. but it wasnt..there's something wrong with my taste i guess.. so, i ate it.. and i love it!! it tasted like something familiar and i couldn recall at that moment.. but after a few bites, i know it.. the sauce tasted somewhat like the sea coconut syrup.. haha.. and the jelly? its so soft yet crunchy maybe? or.. i dono how to describe.. you have to try it for yourself.. hontou ni.. i think this the is best out of the rest! not that i have tasted all of them yet.. and the most expensive.. there's one thing i wanna try out in that shop.. haha.. that is one fruit jelly which cost $15.00.. haha..
and i'll continue with my story in orchard.. meizi and i tried the fried spicy nian gao that koreans like to eat.. well.. wasnt that tasty afterall.. maybe its not dao di, so not that nice.. not much taste except for spicy.. and the spiciness both meizi and i think that can be better as well.. yup.. that's all i guess? and i went kino.. all mags were sold out(jap ones i mean) except for popolo.. maybe i shld buy popolo afterall, since its in my wishlist--> well, also, jess in mediacorp communities/cr told me that some ppl actually buys these and sell them again at a higher price.. which i think is kinda overboard.. argh.. my myojo ne.. and wink up? yup.. nvm.. i have no money anyway..
one more thing!!
i cut my hair ne! haha! in a salon called Mine @ far east.. it was $15.. but i kinda like that girl.. she did my hair properly ne.. and gave me free straightening.. as in using a hairdryer and those straightening brush.. thanks so much!! haha.. and also, i think that the hairstyle i have now is not bad la.. since that old hairstyle made my head look so big and heavy.. however, bye bye to my long hair ne~ sayonara~ let's hope i can maintain this hairstyle!^^
that's all ne! ja ne!
i'm getting frustrated for this blogger's html.. jus what's wrong with it?!?!?!?!?! argh.. i'm not going to care anymore.. let it be!! You Spoil My Good Mood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My TegoPi*hearts* (stupid!! no more heart shape from now onwards!!!)

ne ne!! saw that pic in Mise and i knew it immediately i had to buy it!! haha.. so i bought it.. like it so much!! yeah!! my first TegoPi! and will always be!^^
Matcha Manjyu~$2.00

Fukuwatashi Senbei~$2.20($2.60)

alright.. firstly, i didn eat this first.. i ate this last.. anyway, i didn finish all the food i bought today la!! aiyo.. first thing, NOT RECOMMENDED FOR THE WEAK-TEETH-ED. my goodness, i wonder was it cuz of the size or what, but its super hard!! but crunchy at the same time.. and i couldn taste the cream.. i had to open it and lick the cream
Kuri Daifuku^^~$2.60


alright.. overall.. i bought this cuz i tot it would be nice? there are plum one, and yuzu's.. but i think their different ne, and i chose this one.. hmmm.. in the end.. it didn turn out to be very nice.. the white jelly you see there, has a very weird plastic taste.. i wonder if it was due to the packaging.. but.. the kumquat is nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love it!!!!!!!!! haha.. it had the skin on but it wasn bitter at all!! and also, it was juicy inside!! i love it!!! so i forced myself to finish the white jelly before eating the kumquat.. haha..
Kachi Guri~$4.60

hmmm.. for this one right.. i think its not bad.. firstly, let me introduce ne.. its chestnut, covered with mashed chestnut.. so this is for CHESTNUT LOVERS like me.. haha.. but but but.. i'm so picky.. haha.. the outside is a bit too sweet ne.. i love the whole chestnut!! its nice!!
Kohakukan Ume~$6.00

have not tried it yet.. but the ingredients includes plum liquor!! haha.. so excited! i'm not underage anymore too!! yeah!! see when i got the mood will try it!^^

oh... this is.. i dono how to say.. the moment i see it i knew i wanted to try it.. haha.. i saw it alot in mangas ne.. then they'll cut it with a satay stick.. and eat!! i used a toothpick though.. haha.. but then.. the taste.. i dono how to describe.. kinda powdery.. and sweet.. but not very sweet.. not much of other taste though.. a bit bit bit bean taste.. and the inside is softer than the outside.. though they are made of the same thing.. haha.. and i chose this design cuz it was the one that looked mostly like the one i had in my mind.. there are a few in other shapes!! they look so delicate!! haha.. i tot its was chewy.. but it was soft! and mushy? yup.. haha.. not a bad sweet..

haha.. this was the thing that i tried first out of all!^^ and the reason i buy that? i once saw Yamapi ate it on a show.. and i know i muz try this as well^^ YamapiPowerNe.. haha.. so.. i had the most comments with this i think? haha.. look at the pics.. this has the most number k? or izit the same? nvm.. haha.. so its actually a kind of jelly power made from some root.. kuzu root if i'm not wrong.. and with added starch they made it into this^^ as you can see above ne.. it was placed in a tube, with one pusher(that's what i call it.. since i dono the actual term) and all you do is to push the jelly thru the mould and it will come out in strips.. haha.. i once ate the konnyaku noodles so i tot the texture will be somewhat the same.. but it wasn! to my shock!! haha.. and that sauce.. i accidently dripped some on my finger and i licked it.. tot it tasted like the sweet sauce we always use for char kway teow.. but it wasnt..
and i'll continue with my story in orchard.. meizi and i tried the fried spicy nian gao that koreans like to eat.. well.. wasnt that tasty afterall.. maybe its not dao di, so not that nice.. not much taste except for spicy.. and the spiciness both meizi and i think that can be better as well.. yup.. that's all i guess? and i went kino.. all mags were sold out(jap ones i mean) except for popolo.. maybe i shld buy popolo afterall, since its in my wishlist--> well, also, jess in mediacorp communities/cr told me that some ppl actually buys these and sell them again at a higher price.. which i think is kinda overboard.. argh.. my myojo ne.. and wink up? yup.. nvm.. i have no money anyway..
one more thing!!
i cut my hair ne! haha! in a salon called Mine @ far east.. it was $15.. but i kinda like that girl.. she did my hair properly ne.. and gave me free straightening.. as in using a hairdryer and those straightening brush.. thanks so much!! haha.. and also, i think that the hairstyle i have now is not bad la.. since that old hairstyle made my head look so big and heavy.. however, bye bye to my long hair ne~ sayonara~ let's hope i can maintain this hairstyle!^^
that's all ne! ja ne!
i'm getting frustrated for this blogger's html.. jus what's wrong with it?!?!?!?!?! argh.. i'm not going to care anymore.. let it be!! You Spoil My Good Mood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11 October, 2007
the story of a rejected good
well, there was this rejected good which was placed behind the shelves by the owner. it was lonely, until one day it got to know one of the goods on the shelves. at first, this rejected good thought that they were the same, and these 2 goods became very good friends. they are the kind which can confide in each other and trust each other. until one day when the good on the shelf was bought by a customer, then the rejected good realised that they were actually different.
however, this rejected good is not upset, and it always knows that there are difference between them, and its good that the good on the shelf friended it. so the rejected good actually wished its friend all the best and all.
only after a few days, the good was returned onto the shelf again. and the good confided to the rejected good, that the customer was good to it, but the owner was unpleased with the customer, and decided to take back the good, and the good is sad. the good continued to tell the rejected good bout how it had been treated previously before this customer, and it was worser than what this customer had done to the it. and there is nothing the rejected good can do, but to listen and accompany the good on the shelf.
to protect the good, the owner changed the place where the good used to be, and the good is not happy.
on the other hand, the rejected good is thinking, maybe its better to stay behind the shelves, although there wont be any customers, but you'll be preserved by the owner, until one day where a true customer may come and request for the rejected good.
so the good on the shelf, don think too much ne.. remember my line..
The Sun Rises Everyday No Matter What Happens, Everything Will Just Be As Fine!
take care.. and i'll always be there ne, if you ever need someone to listen to you.. i may not be a very good friend in some way, but i'm glad that you came to me first when you had problems.. hontou ni! arigatou!
however, this rejected good is not upset, and it always knows that there are difference between them, and its good that the good on the shelf friended it. so the rejected good actually wished its friend all the best and all.
only after a few days, the good was returned onto the shelf again. and the good confided to the rejected good, that the customer was good to it, but the owner was unpleased with the customer, and decided to take back the good, and the good is sad. the good continued to tell the rejected good bout how it had been treated previously before this customer, and it was worser than what this customer had done to the it. and there is nothing the rejected good can do, but to listen and accompany the good on the shelf.
to protect the good, the owner changed the place where the good used to be, and the good is not happy.
on the other hand, the rejected good is thinking, maybe its better to stay behind the shelves, although there wont be any customers, but you'll be preserved by the owner, until one day where a true customer may come and request for the rejected good.
so the good on the shelf, don think too much ne.. remember my line..
The Sun Rises Everyday No Matter What Happens, Everything Will Just Be As Fine!
take care.. and i'll always be there ne, if you ever need someone to listen to you.. i may not be a very good friend in some way, but i'm glad that you came to me first when you had problems.. hontou ni! arigatou!
09 October, 2007
new feature
alright.. i listened to yanxuan and got a tagboard jus for her.. since she's the only one who will patronize my blog here.. haha.. occasionally for Mai.. yup.. so.. it'll be empty ne.. but nvm.. this is jus going to be a short post.. since i'm still upset over the previous post..
i totally dono what to do now.. i lost $30.. so easily.. can i request for $15 so that we equally share the loss? its not fair to me at all!! you shld have been more careful!! i lent you $56 to tide you thru.. and got myself into such a mess.. when i'm so in need of money.. what did i get? i knew its not ur fault.. it might be my fault.. i might have given you the wrong acct no? who can we blame now? there are no evidence at all.. and i jus see $30 down the drain.. its so.. heart-breaking.. let's hope this whole thing can have a better ending to it.. i'm recovering from the hurt now.. hopefully.. since i've said this before, i'll say this again..
The Sun Rises Everyday No Matter What Happened, Everything Will Just Be As Fine!
The Sun Rises Everyday No Matter What Happened, Everything Will Just Be As Fine!
meguri meguru! merrily!
this is going to be a short post.. cuz i wrote too much on lj.. then now i got nothing to write.. haha.. most importantly, i'm listening to weeeek!! yeah! and its like the N times i'm repeating it! haha.. i love it! i love news!
so, i knew someone who has the same birthday, birthmonth, birthyear and birthplace as me.. hehe.. amazing!! and i'm happy bout it! NEWS! kiseki okose! haha.. i dono what was i doing.. went blank suddenly.. and i wrote something bout yamapi releasing solo compilations.. but i lazy cut and paste now.. tml.. i'm getting lazier and lazier..
and mai finally joined lj! woohoo!! we'll be having fun! haha.. and my down period is all gone.. i'm wondering, was it cuz of NEWS? my goodness.. haha..
minna, NEWS ga sukidesuyo! zettai! ja ne!
so, i knew someone who has the same birthday, birthmonth, birthyear and birthplace as me.. hehe.. amazing!! and i'm happy bout it! NEWS! kiseki okose! haha.. i dono what was i doing.. went blank suddenly.. and i wrote something bout yamapi releasing solo compilations.. but i lazy cut and paste now.. tml.. i'm getting lazier and lazier..
and mai finally joined lj! woohoo!! we'll be having fun! haha.. and my down period is all gone.. i'm wondering, was it cuz of NEWS? my goodness.. haha..
minna, NEWS ga sukidesuyo! zettai! ja ne!
08 October, 2007
non-describable feelings
it had been a long time since i had unstable emotions.. not mood swings, but the ability to control my emotions is not working today.. i wonder was it cuz i didn slp from last night 9pm till now.. first thing, if i didn recall wrongly, when i was during 14 yr-old stage, my emotions were not very stable.. it can fluctuate many times a day, and i cant contain my emotions at all.. although its not much better now.. i still show my emotions on my face, but most of the times it was happiness and all the good things!well, i think there is nothing else to add on.. and i guess i'll go slp soon ne.. hmmm.. hope NEWS is resting well now in their hotel rooms.. Oyasumi, NEWS!
so between these 2 days, i really went thru different stages of emotions, the xi, nu ai and le thing.. haha.. i forgot how to say it in japanese ne.. argh.. anyway, needless to say? it wasNEWS'my own faults.. i shldn have let NEWS manipulate my emotions and all.. but somehow i cant help it.. well, its a stage of growing mature isnt it? i am so much better now compared to when i first started liking 5566.. i can think more properly even though as a fangirl..
thanks for Mai who was with me(again?!) today when i read the news on NEWS First Taipei Concert, i was able to fangirl properly.. haha.. and fangirling with someone of the same interest makes it so much more fun!! well, there were 2 things that kept staying in my mind.. that was Tegoshi's fall and Yamapi's restlessness.. suddenly i pitied them.. and i totally forgot Yamapi still has to continue with his KUROSAGI shooting when he returns.. i wonder if he can withstand all these?(there will be support from other NEWS members<333 i guess! and definitely fans too!^^) and i had not read anything on the 2nd concert yet.. i'm going to give it a miss and only read it tml.. cuz i'm tired now.. i have to wake up in the morning to go school for a meeting.. again, that competition.. and tegoshi, there were different descriptions on how he fell, but still all descriptions seemed so dangerous.. is he really alright? Take Care Ne! Yamapi and Tegoshi!! my TegoPi!! don get hurt ne! and the rest of the NEWS members, take care too!!
and back to emotions, well, strangely, really.. i cried when i watched that 6 news on NEWS vids.. but the first 3 i watched wasnt much on news.. it was the forth i watched, i cried immediately when i saw Yamapi saying ".... ..... .... se-fu kara.... .... ....".. i wonder what magic was there in that line? safe kara? i know it means "due to safety reasons" something like that.. and that was this morning or last night i guess.. again, i went to baidu and read the posts posted by taiwan fans.. this post made me cry again.. and i don even know the reason.. when i read the first post where it said "i cried", my tears were flowing as well.. it was as if i was at the scene with NEWS and all.. and i cried again when i saw the photo with the whole hall filled with fans.. what is happening to me?
i guess i cant listen to yume wo kazu dake ai ga umareru now.. cuz i know definitely tears will be gathering again.. argh.. i get so moody, all cuz of NEWS? when is all these going to end?? and 12 oct is nearing.. i guess i'll have to do something tml.. but i hate doing that.. pressing someone for something, but then i need it, and its not a small amount.. so.. jus little bit, return me some ne? to tide me thru this at least!! onegaishimasu! and please! *prays again* lastly, frankly, taiwan fans were so fortunate!! they get to listen to weeeek first hand!!! i'm not going to hesitate.. if someone ever uploads it on lj, i'll be dl-ing to listen!! definitely!! zettai!!
07 October, 2007
small game.. for NEWS fans..
yeah! i didn slp at all from 9pm last nite.. and i slept from 4am saturday morning till 9pm night.. so i guess i cant slp now.. argh.. anyway, i made a small song file for Mai.. and if any NEWS fans come across this post, don hesitate.. pls take the file and have fun.. haha.. there are 35 songs intros in total.. and composes of live performances and some solo/pair performances.. yup..
the file from MF
and the ans for this file.. hmmm.. how to conceal it? cuz the font colour is not white.. nvm.. i'll try ne.. it'll be at the bottom.. yup.. and i don own a tagboard yet, if you did it, i don mind you leaving a comment behind, or i do hope you leaving a comment behind!^^
The Answers(highlight?):
1. Pain - NEWS
2. Fever to Future - GYM
3. Yume wo Kazu Dake Ai ga Umareru - NEWS
4. I Za Na I Zu Ki - NEWS
5. Hoshi wo Mezashite - NEWS
6. Miso Soup - Tegomass
7. Love Song - Yamashita Tomohisa
8. Kibou Yell - NEWS
9. Say Hello - NEWS
10. Private Heart - NEWS
11. NEWS Nippon - NEWS
12. Snow Express - NEWS
13. Shock Me - NEWS
14. Akaku Moyuru Taiyou - NEWS
15. Fiesta - NEWS
16. Hadashi no Cinderella Boy - NEWS
17. Wasurenaisa ~LIFE GOES ON~ - NEWS
18. Teppen - NEWS
19. Cherish - NEWS
20. KISS ~Kaerimichi no Love Song~ - Tegomass
21. Seishun Amigo - Shuji to Akira
22. Kibou no Hikari wo Kokoro ni Tomosou - Tegomass
23. Hokago Blues - Yamashita Tomohisa
24. Time - Yamashita Tomohisa
25. Kimi + Boku = Love - Tegomass
26. Sayaendou - NEWS
27. Gomen ne JULIET - Yamashita Tomohisa
28. Zutto - NEWS
29. Kirameki no Kanata he - NEWS
30. Dreams - NEWS
31. Yarawaka na Mama de - NEWS
32. Sunadokei - Tegomass
33. Beach Angel - NEWS
34. Boom! Boom! POWER - NEWS
35. Best Friend - NEWS
the file from MF
and the ans for this file.. hmmm.. how to conceal it? cuz the font colour is not white.. nvm.. i'll try ne.. it'll be at the bottom.. yup.. and i don own a tagboard yet, if you did it, i don mind you leaving a comment behind, or i do hope you leaving a comment behind!^^
The Answers(highlight?):
1. Pain - NEWS
2. Fever to Future - GYM
3. Yume wo Kazu Dake Ai ga Umareru - NEWS
4. I Za Na I Zu Ki - NEWS
5. Hoshi wo Mezashite - NEWS
6. Miso Soup - Tegomass
7. Love Song - Yamashita Tomohisa
8. Kibou Yell - NEWS
9. Say Hello - NEWS
10. Private Heart - NEWS
11. NEWS Nippon - NEWS
12. Snow Express - NEWS
13. Shock Me - NEWS
14. Akaku Moyuru Taiyou - NEWS
15. Fiesta - NEWS
16. Hadashi no Cinderella Boy - NEWS
17. Wasurenaisa ~LIFE GOES ON~ - NEWS
18. Teppen - NEWS
19. Cherish - NEWS
20. KISS ~Kaerimichi no Love Song~ - Tegomass
21. Seishun Amigo - Shuji to Akira
22. Kibou no Hikari wo Kokoro ni Tomosou - Tegomass
23. Hokago Blues - Yamashita Tomohisa
24. Time - Yamashita Tomohisa
25. Kimi + Boku = Love - Tegomass
26. Sayaendou - NEWS
27. Gomen ne JULIET - Yamashita Tomohisa
28. Zutto - NEWS
29. Kirameki no Kanata he - NEWS
30. Dreams - NEWS
31. Yarawaka na Mama de - NEWS
32. Sunadokei - Tegomass
33. Beach Angel - NEWS
34. Boom! Boom! POWER - NEWS
35. Best Friend - NEWS
mixed emotions!!
i hate NEWS for giving me MIXED EMOTIONS!!!!!!!! argh.. they played with my feelings! alright, it was myself who allowed them to do so anyway.. so i see, they postponed their concert to tml at 2pm.. I'm getting so worried for them now.. not only worried that the concert might not go smoothly due to the typhoon, also of their health..HOW CAN ONE PACKET OF WEIDER IN JELLY SUPPORT YAMAPI'S ENERGY FOR THAT WHOLE OF THE DAY???stupid thought.. anyway, real mixed emotions.. seldom i get frantic when tot of someone/manyones..
firstly, they'll be holding 2 concerts in the same day, hope they don get wore out by the end of the 2nd concert, i hate to see them getting tired.. although it might be unfair to the fans in taiwan, i rather them canceling the concert than holding it consecutively.. even if its in singapore, i would have hoped they do that.. who would wan to see a tired NEWS trying so hard to perform and in the end getting sick or something? though i'm sure that NEWS are FIT!!
secondly, the more i look at the merchandise from Taiwan, the more i wan it.. and seeing a post posted by someone in singapore offering to buy makes me feel like killing myself.. cuz if only i had not slp for the whole afternoon, i wouldn have missed the chance.. but nvm, since i don think i'll have the money anyway.. but still, it makes me feel so empty now..
lastly, i guess.. i'm feeling lost out of a sudden.. argh, do all fangirls face the same dilemma as me? i don even know what dilemma am i under now.. but i feel so lost all of a sudden.. maybe its cuz i slept too much today.. since i slept from ytd 4.30 am till jus now 9 pm.. it was a achievement again.. haha.. i cant think properly now.. i cant even handle an O level maths Qn jus now.. jus what am i doing?
05 October, 2007
more NEWS!
alright.. first thing first.. i viewed 2 fancams on the arrival of NEWS in taiwan and a news on NEWS' arrival in taiwan.. ahhhhhh.. i'm so envious of the fans in taiwan! they get to see NEWS ftf!! how i wish i could go as well.. another thing, the airport is so much bigger in taiwan than in singapore la!(obviously).. NEWS had to walk a long way before they can exit to their bus(i would call it a bus since its big and long anyway).. hehe.. in singapore i think they can finish the path within one minute.. argh.. if they ever come to singapore, i'll be thoning overnight in the airport.. definitely!! with a high definition cam from whoever i can borrow from.. haha.. and frankly, i think the fans in taiwan are quite obedient.. compared to other countries.. not trying to say anything here..
oh ya.. anyway, something shocking to me.. i saw this today..

isnt it cool?? i never thought this movie would ever be brought into singapore!! and mostly cuz i tot it was still under the shooting process.. hmm.. so i'm outdated.. and this might jus mean that... KUROSAGI MAY BE BROUGHT INTO SINGAPORE AS WELL!! alright.. i'm random.. but surely its not bad to have some high hopes isnt it? *high hopes*
anyway, another thing, went into cr JE forum and saw these pics..

credit to killerzeon@crunchyroll.
well, kinda good isnt it?? i don mind this version of movie, frankly.. and you can really see a BAD/EVIL side of yamapi, so why not?? and i find the font for their names very familiar.. what is the font?? sand? kristen irc? nvm.. haha.. find it familiar already very enough.. haha.. and you can get more of tomapi here! though i'm more for TegoPi.. hehe..
and also, please spam me with fancam@taiwan concert!! i wan it! haha.. and finally, i saw the cover of the weeeek single on cr forum.. heh.. its nice!! esp the LE, i spotted TegoPi!! ahhhhhhhhhh!!! *dreamy* i don mind a yaoi fanfic on them.. can someone write one for me? haha.. and the more i look at the "poster", the more i feel like eating apple..esp if yamapi could peel and cut it for me..haha.. maybe i'll buy some on sun.. since i have to go out to settle something.. and also, 12 oct is nearing.. argh.. bad feeling bout it.. nvm.. hope all goes well? haha.. my grammar a bit wrong here and there..
anyway, one word for all who read my post today.. LET'S LOVE NEWS NE?
haha.. i'm glad that i ordered in cdjapan.. but i don have that much money yet, and i still owe joanne $24.68.. when can i return her the money? ahhhhh.. i hate owing money..
dono what to say..
2人きりの公園 帰り道の指定席
Futari kiri no kouen Kaerimichi no shiteiseki
いつもより はしゃいでる 君を見つめ 聞いてみた
Itsumo yori hashaideru Kimi wo mitsume Kiite mita
the end of the garden is the reserved place for the 2 of us on the road that leads us home.
as usual, ________, looked at you and appeared to be listening.
i failed miserably!!! argh.. i can do it at all.. i spent like 30 mins flipping thru my dictionary and i cant find kiri at all! in the end i used the meaning of kiri which means the end or limit which i know is wrong.. and i cant find hashaideru.. argh.. jus what does it mean?? i'm so going to find the translations for this.. but!! only for the first 2 lines.. i wont give up..
On the way home from the park, just the two of us
Watching you being more happy than usual, I asked:
(done on 2/10)
「もしも明日世界が なくなったら どうする?」
"Moshi mo ashita Sekai ga nakunattara dou suru?"
君は何も言わずに 僕の腕を ギュウっとしたね
Kimi wa nani mo iwazu ni boku no ude wo GYUUTTO shita ne
ねえ こっちを向いていて
Nee Kocchi wo muiteite
唇が近すぎて ドキドキ止まらない
Kuchibiru ga Chikasugite DOKI DOKI tomaranai
"if the world disappears tomorrow, what will you do?"
you said nothing and ________ my arm quietly
hey, look here
the lips are getting closer, the heartbeat can not be stopped
correct version taken from here credit totiara513.
"What would you do if the world disappears tomorrow?"
You didn't say anything and just held my arm tighter Ne
Ne Look this way to me
Our lips are so close my heart wouldn't stop thumping
ok.. a comparison now.. so gyutto shita means holding tighter.. hmmm.. and somehow i cant understand japanese lyrics fully ne.. this is gonna be hard.. since i'm trying to memorise jap lyrics.. know the meaning and how the sentence structure is like can aid in lyrics memorising.. that's why i can remember chinese lyrics faster than english.. cuz i'm more fluent in chinese than english.. hmmm..
anyway, i watched the final epi of Lovely Complex Anime!!! woohoo!! though the ending is beautiful, i wonder how would it look like if the ending song was changed to kaerimichi no love song.. will it be better than Bon Bon? jus suggesting.. anyway, i love the chinese translations for kiss kaerimichi!! i saw it on this vid.. its a youtube version.. but i watched on cr instead.. and that's the first time ever crying when listening to kiss kaerimichi.. though i always have a sad feeling or something, but that was really the first time.. all THANKS to the CHINESE TRANSLATIONS.. haha.. i wonder if i will cry again.. if i watch it now..
anyway, i'm so glad i had that clip as well!^^ i can watch it every now and then! heh.. by the way, i jus wanna touch on more of the possessive thing.. hmmm.. does protective of items = possessive as well? let me tell you a story.. or maybe 2 stories ne.. day, there were 2 friends who went to HMV@Heeren to shop.. and within that 2 frens, one is a fan of JE(A san), especially NEWS and Yamashita Tomohisa.. while the other fren(b san) is fan of BoA, Ayumi, DBSK and so on.. so there is no link here.. jus elaborating.. hehe.. so, the B san, who knows that A san likes Yamashita Tomohisa, spotted something.. that was GYM single fever to future.. so B san took that disc to A san and showed A san.. A san was very excited! she saw it and immediately she wanted to buy that.. so she went to the counter to buy it.. suddenly, A san remembered someone told her the disc might be faulty and its always better to test the disc, so she requested to test the disc.. never had A san thought that the cashier would open the package for her.. and there it went, the plastic wrapping.. so A san stopped the cashier and asked that person to at least keep the wrapping for her.. the cashier did.. and the cashier placed the disc into the disc player.. and jus when A san listened to it.. another cashier walked in and threw the wrapping into the rubbish bin.. and you hear a scream in the HMV that is capable of waking up the dead maybe.. the end
next story.. one day, A san bought a dvd of a drama which starred Yamashita Tomohisa.. so when she brought it home.. she did not open it immediately.. she went to wash her hands with soap, and dried it thoroughly, before trying to take the wrapping out.. while opening case, she tried her very best not to touch the surface, but the edges instead.. and she watched it once, and never again..
and its so freaking obvious that i'm A san..
and i being too paranoid? argh..
i used so much scripting till i scare cannot work properly.. haha.. anyway.. nothing else to elaborate.. ja ne!
04 October, 2007
Rash Actions Lead To??
well well well.. i ordered the 4 discs i want from yesasia.. if i had chosen EMS, it will be $140 over.. if i choose standard shipping, it would be $110~ which will def be cheaper than amazon.. this is my last resort if i cant get it on Amazon.. so Amazon, please, i trusted you soooooooooo much, please don fail on me!!!!!!
now, i need everyone's wishes again!! please, and can anyone tell me if its good to use standard shipping? i'm afraid that it might get lost or something like that.. argh.. i'm so scare now.. this is the first time i'm feeling scare when buying disc.. someone help me??
EDIT 04/10/07 1525:
i ordered in cdjapan as well.. i guess i jus cant stand the tense.. argh.. also, they use EMS as well.. but, even though they use EMS, its much cheaper compared to YesAsia.. so.. yesasia will now become my last resort.. i'll choose between cdjapan and amazon.. depending on both the price and availability.. i already understood that the shipping is cheaper for cdjapan.. by SG$6 or so.. but that $6 is not a big deal.. really.. cuz if i can get FedEx and have it sent to me fast, its alright.. my last thing to do now would be making a trip down to mise s*clusive to check out the price for pre ordering.. i wonder if its gonna be cheaper or more ex..
cuz i ordered my taiwan dvd but till now ut had not arrived.. i tot the release date was 31/8? it took a mth and i still have not received it? what is this? bad service? even though i can get my disc thru them, i'm so not going to use it.. i think if from now on i found out that its more worth to get them online i'll do so.. since i made a debit card for that purpose.. my GO! card is useless.. its nearly disfigured.. haha.. a bit only la..
now, i need everyone's wishes again!! please, and can anyone tell me if its good to use standard shipping? i'm afraid that it might get lost or something like that.. argh.. i'm so scare now.. this is the first time i'm feeling scare when buying disc.. someone help me??
EDIT 04/10/07 1525:
i ordered in cdjapan as well.. i guess i jus cant stand the tense.. argh.. also, they use EMS as well.. but, even though they use EMS, its much cheaper compared to YesAsia.. so.. yesasia will now become my last resort.. i'll choose between cdjapan and amazon.. depending on both the price and availability.. i already understood that the shipping is cheaper for cdjapan.. by SG$6 or so.. but that $6 is not a big deal.. really.. cuz if i can get FedEx and have it sent to me fast, its alright.. my last thing to do now would be making a trip down to mise s*clusive to check out the price for pre ordering.. i wonder if its gonna be cheaper or more ex..
cuz i ordered my taiwan dvd but till now ut had not arrived.. i tot the release date was 31/8? it took a mth and i still have not received it? what is this? bad service? even though i can get my disc thru them, i'm so not going to use it.. i think if from now on i found out that its more worth to get them online i'll do so.. since i made a debit card for that purpose.. my GO! card is useless.. its nearly disfigured.. haha.. a bit only la..
something short
first thing first.. i am possessive.. second thing, i went to meet yan xuan today and i went her hse.. and the purpose is to do pedicure? haha.. looking at my toes.. and lastly, i'm at a very lost stage.. help!!!!!
oh, one thing.. today was my first time seeing PDA on a bus.. that couple ah, kiss like no tml.. so.. ehem.. someone, you know who you are, don let me catch you doing this.. if you wan, do it somewhere under his or ur void deck..
nothing else.. most importantly, i'm wishing myself Good Luck in purchasing the weeeek LE and RE single and Pacific LE and RE successfully.. PLEASE!! ONEGAISHIMASU!!
its like, i got my N.E.W.S DVD no matter what, so.. please ne!!
EDIT: forgot bout mentioning this.. stress really affects ur body's ... something.. haha.. i dono how to say.. but my that thing is faster than last mth by 1 wk.. while last mth's was faster by 4 days.. argh.. my body..
oh, one thing.. today was my first time seeing PDA on a bus.. that couple ah, kiss like no tml.. so.. ehem.. someone, you know who you are, don let me catch you doing this.. if you wan, do it somewhere under his or ur void deck..
nothing else.. most importantly, i'm wishing myself Good Luck in purchasing the weeeek LE and RE single and Pacific LE and RE successfully.. PLEASE!! ONEGAISHIMASU!!
its like, i got my N.E.W.S DVD no matter what, so.. please ne!!
EDIT: forgot bout mentioning this.. stress really affects ur body's ... something.. haha.. i dono how to say.. but my that thing is faster than last mth by 1 wk.. while last mth's was faster by 4 days.. argh.. my body..
02 October, 2007
NEWS Single and Album!!
ignore this post if you don like doesnt know are unsure of not interested nevermind, just read on.. hehe! one of the rules for liking NEWS, publicise them whenever you can and like!^^
the above is taken directly from LJ with a small edit.. haha.. and going on..
i wanna type more on it! NEWS! haha.. i think i'll be saving money and taking them all.. argh.. haha.. and i realised, there are posts in LJ that i don wish to post here, and i put it private.. and there are also posts here which i didn not post on my LJ.. strange.. i need in total 3 blogs to live my life.. haha..
Edit: "w" in "weeeek" is not captalised.. sorry all!! gomen ne!! and new info taken from here!
jus checked the friends page@lj and saw this post.. and immediately i checked my mail.. there is it!! NEWS new single weeeek!! with 2 dif versions.. i'm currently short of money and there they come with loads of items.. + their new album Pacific which i know i HAVE to get it.. its a matter of getting the limited or the regular.. argh.. Weeeek as well jus the limited or the regular as well?? someone give me suggestions!! please!!
now i have a bill to pay, and all these things came.. what are they out to? my goodness.. i can fangirl now!! for the rest of the week at least.. woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! first thing first, the details.. in summarised form of course..Singles:
Weeeek LE -Weeeek RE -
- 6-fold, 2-page jacket
- "Why"
- "with me"
- "weeeek (Original Karaoke)"
- "weeeek" (of course..)
- Includes "Rainbow"
- "with me"
- "weeeek"
- 4-fold, 8-page jacket
Pacific LE -Pacific RE -
- "Change The World"
- "Gomen ne Juliette"
- "code"
- "Chirarizumu"
- And more unreleased tracks! [isnt this what all NEWS fans are waiting for?! Let's hope that "Stars"/"Pain"(personally, i prefer pain to Stars.. definitely
notbecause of the fact that Yamapi was in it!) is included! "Time"? "Aoi"? Most importantly, "SNOW EXPRESS"!]- bonus 32-page photobook
- *Note: this album does not contain the single "weeeek"
- 16-page booklet
- bonus track "Mafuyu no Nagareboshi"
- bonus track "Sono Egao Boku ni Misete (A Capella ver.)
- *Note: this album does not contain the single "weeeek."
so, when i finally settle my bill hopefully before the due, i'm gonna save up money for these!! i need help here.. can anyone suggest which is better? currently i'm aiming for the LEs, however, it depends on the availability of the stock by then.. argh.. when everyone is complaining bout them not releasing anything, here they come with all at once!!cant they give us a breather?i need someone to fangirl with me! right now! anyone??
the very first thing i'm going to do now is the evaluated between the limited and the regular versions.. cuz if i have to take all, i need to spend around $130 SGD.. which rounds up to bout ¥10000.. or maybe $80 USD at least? i'm not very sure.. haha.. or NT2500.. yup.. i believe that is a lot!!! cuz i wan ProDai japan DVD as well!! argh.. and i wonder if i can get to $250 (SGD) by the end of nov.. argh.. check out amazon, i think that the prices there are much cheaper, at least for ProDai.. i got my N.E.W.S DVD there as well.. and they uses Fedex!! it was after this N.E.W.S DVD incident then i got to know that Fedex is a JAPAN company.. haha.. moreover, i think i can get LE there too, even though it is LE.. *prays*
if i had not mentioned it before, let me mention it again.. hehe.. i owned N.E.W.S DVD LE!!! woohoo!! my first LE.. haha.. i love it so much!! so much to the extend that i don dare to touch it if i didn wash my hands with soap first.. that i don dare to watch it again after the first time.. that i took the pictures of it down so i don have to open it to see the content, or jus to have a feel of it.. pictures here!
haha.. cool! now.. its jus a matter of having money to buy it.. argh.. do i have to go on a hunger strike to get them all? not to mention that my debit card wont be available after like 2 weeks and all.. by then i'm afraid that the LE would have been all gone.. argh.. i hate myself for not make a debit card soon enough.. i'm so gonna make it by tml!! yes!! and i've stay stagnant for like many days.. i mean japanese.. i have 2 routes to go now.. either
1. using a song of my choice, slowly, but at least a verse or few lines, translate them.. or
2. using the dictionary i have, from "a" onwards, create 2 or 3 sentences using the word i learnt.. and try to conquer the dictionary..
will decide again.. meanwhile, i'm gonna fangirl!
the above is taken directly from LJ with a small edit.. haha.. and going on..
i wanna type more on it! NEWS! haha.. i think i'll be saving money and taking them all.. argh.. haha.. and i realised, there are posts in LJ that i don wish to post here, and i put it private.. and there are also posts here which i didn not post on my LJ.. strange.. i need in total 3 blogs to live my life.. haha..
Edit: "w" in "weeeek" is not captalised.. sorry all!! gomen ne!! and new info taken from here!
01 October, 2007
first rant..
not trying to say that i'll have subsequent rants..
however, Maureen is feeling down.. real down.. i dono what went over Maureen but jus bout 2 hrs ago she felt really down.. She has never felt that stressful before.. the feeling was overwhelming.. thanks to mai who made her felt better.. after that entertaining Chira Rizumu dance.. haha.. i wonder if that feeling was accumulated over the whole day.. partially due to her dad's bad temper maybe? then i guess its bout cal ruining her mood.. then brenda.. then when she chatted with star and erica and foofeh she really felt very stress.. while mai was by her side.. she totally seen how stress Maureen was.. even she got a bit worried.. sorry bout that!^^ gomen ne! (juliet)..i can joke now..
maybe its cuz she felt that she's not completing anything.. or was it because of the cranky internet connection which made star misunderstood her? or that email star sent? or the words that erica said? or what grace had said when she called her? how brenda felt when she cant solve her problem properly.. how bad she was to cal when he called to ask her to call him back.. how her dad and herself have never seen each other's faces the whole day till now..
argh.. the down feeling is going back to her again..
will everything get better eventually? Maureen hates herself for acting happy in front of ppl when she was actually feeling down.. but nobody knows a down Maureen isnt it? "how down can Maureen be?" "she will def get over it soon!" she had heard these words too many times.. ahhhhhh.. she shld go and read that translations for that seventeen yamapi's interview.. then maybe she can be the Maureen whom everyone knows.. really, not many ppl had seen her breaking down.. or had her even broken down before? maybe not to the extreme.. jus what is breaking down anyway? can anybody explain to me? hmmm?
i never knew she can be so pessimistic.. will i feel better after this rant? i bet not.. i need time to recover.. not very long, but it does depends..
suddenly she feels like she was not doing her part as Maureen.. she shld always be there when somebody needs help from her isnt it? but she was not today.. she hid herself today.. and that makes her feel bad.. she felt that she had let everyone down.. for not doing her job well..
the sun rises everyday no matter what happened, everything will just be as fine!
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