alright.. most importantly, i muz write out a to-do list for myself.. haha.. i'll do it right after this.. haha.. i have lots to do.. such as laundry, cd burning, project researches, tutorials and something that i'm supposed to do but i forgot.. haha..
anyway!! this post has a purpose!! i'm suppose to write down something!! haha.. that is..

yeah!! haha.. i'm getting that earring!! haha.. actually, i don wanna spoil the fun of asking ppl where had they seen the earring before, esp Mai and fellow yamapi fans.. but, i jus wan to spread my happiness!!^^ though yamapi wears it on his left, i'm going to take the one for the right.. haha.. but i'm definitely taking gold!! let's hope i don get allergic reactions after wearing that.. haha.. i'm so lovin it!!! Thank You Meizi!! *hearts* haha.. jus wonder how she finds it.. haha..
alright.. plans for now.. i mean money saving plan.. i need to save up $40+ for taiwan goods, $20 for this earring, $100+ for my prism phone, $40~60 for that connectivity cable for that prism phone, cuz Nokia is so cunning enough to sell it separately, $40+ for a 2GB micro SD card for my phone, $260+ for my Proposal Daisakusen DVD..
there are different deadlines, hmmm..
24/10/07 ~ $60+ (taiwan goods & earring)
31/10/07 ~ $100+ (prism)
??/??/?? ~ $100+ (prism necessities)
03/12/07 ~ $260+ (ProDai DVD)
total $520.. and you know what? i haven see the doc yet.. argh.. that's so.. i'm broke..
jus did some calculation.. argh.. i need to save $11.80 per day to reach that target.. oh please!! my allowance per day ranges from $9~$15.. how to save if its only $9?! ahhhhhhhhhhh.. i'm dead..
i can survive!! haha.. maybe i can leave my prism accessories to next year.. but i have to survive with little music.. which is what i think i cant tolerate.. nvm.. will come up with a solution.. haha..
i jus edited my wishlist.. haha.. with more things added, but with some things taken as well.. haha.. i think my wishlist has some power.. somehow whatever i wrote there i can get it.. haha.. really? haha.. so.. i'm going to ask for good results in there later!^^ haha.. and i love NEWS!!!
alright.. i forgot that i had this wishful thinking.. but if one day i really have all the material i need, i'll risk and do it!! that is.. in my wishlist, i wished to get a pure white tote bag.. that is cuz, then i can draw the NEWS DVD cover onto the bag.. since i've seen shoes painted, why cant i try to paint my own bag? that is if i hav the appropriate tools and paints and the bag.. its not going to happen now.. but no one knows.. i might get it happened next year.. another thing is.. maybe i can use another design, not necessary NEWS DVD.. but then.. i really love the design.. haha.. and i can be so proud cuz that will be the one and only^^ i muz do it.. some day!! haha.. if possible, i'll try to mimic yamapi's signature on it, to make it more unique!!
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