2人きりの公園 帰り道の指定席
Futari kiri no kouen Kaerimichi no shiteiseki
いつもより はしゃいでる 君を見つめ 聞いてみた
Itsumo yori hashaideru Kimi wo mitsume Kiite mita
the end of the garden is the reserved place for the 2 of us on the road that leads us home.
as usual, ________, looked at you and appeared to be listening.
i failed miserably!!! argh.. i can do it at all.. i spent like 30 mins flipping thru my dictionary and i cant find kiri at all! in the end i used the meaning of kiri which means the end or limit which i know is wrong.. and i cant find hashaideru.. argh.. jus what does it mean?? i'm so going to find the translations for this.. but!! only for the first 2 lines.. i wont give up..
On the way home from the park, just the two of us
Watching you being more happy than usual, I asked:
(done on 2/10)
「もしも明日世界が なくなったら どうする?」
"Moshi mo ashita Sekai ga nakunattara dou suru?"
君は何も言わずに 僕の腕を ギュウっとしたね
Kimi wa nani mo iwazu ni boku no ude wo GYUUTTO shita ne
ねえ こっちを向いていて
Nee Kocchi wo muiteite
唇が近すぎて ドキドキ止まらない
Kuchibiru ga Chikasugite DOKI DOKI tomaranai
"if the world disappears tomorrow, what will you do?"
you said nothing and ________ my arm quietly
hey, look here
the lips are getting closer, the heartbeat can not be stopped
correct version taken from here credit totiara513.
"What would you do if the world disappears tomorrow?"
You didn't say anything and just held my arm tighter Ne
Ne Look this way to me
Our lips are so close my heart wouldn't stop thumping
ok.. a comparison now.. so gyutto shita means holding tighter.. hmmm.. and somehow i cant understand japanese lyrics fully ne.. this is gonna be hard.. since i'm trying to memorise jap lyrics.. know the meaning and how the sentence structure is like can aid in lyrics memorising.. that's why i can remember chinese lyrics faster than english.. cuz i'm more fluent in chinese than english.. hmmm..
anyway, i watched the final epi of Lovely Complex Anime!!! woohoo!! though the ending is beautiful, i wonder how would it look like if the ending song was changed to kaerimichi no love song.. will it be better than Bon Bon? jus suggesting.. anyway, i love the chinese translations for kiss kaerimichi!! i saw it on this vid.. its a youtube version.. but i watched on cr instead.. and that's the first time ever crying when listening to kiss kaerimichi.. though i always have a sad feeling or something, but that was really the first time.. all THANKS to the CHINESE TRANSLATIONS.. haha.. i wonder if i will cry again.. if i watch it now..
anyway, i'm so glad i had that clip as well!^^ i can watch it every now and then! heh.. by the way, i jus wanna touch on more of the possessive thing.. hmmm.. does protective of items = possessive as well? let me tell you a story.. or maybe 2 stories ne.. haha..one day, there were 2 friends who went to HMV@Heeren to shop.. and within that 2 frens, one is a fan of JE(A san), especially NEWS and Yamashita Tomohisa.. while the other fren(b san) is fan of BoA, Ayumi, DBSK and so on.. so there is no link here.. jus elaborating.. hehe.. so, the B san, who knows that A san likes Yamashita Tomohisa, spotted something.. that was GYM single fever to future.. so B san took that disc to A san and showed A san.. A san was very excited! she saw it and immediately she wanted to buy that.. so she went to the counter to buy it.. suddenly, A san remembered someone told her the disc might be faulty and its always better to test the disc, so she requested to test the disc.. never had A san thought that the cashier would open the package for her.. and there it went, the plastic wrapping.. so A san stopped the cashier and asked that person to at least keep the wrapping for her.. the cashier did.. and the cashier placed the disc into the disc player.. and jus when A san listened to it.. another cashier walked in and threw the wrapping into the rubbish bin.. and you hear a scream in the HMV that is capable of waking up the dead maybe.. the end
next story.. one day, A san bought a dvd of a drama which starred Yamashita Tomohisa.. so when she brought it home.. she did not open it immediately.. she went to wash her hands with soap, and dried it thoroughly, before trying to take the wrapping out.. while opening case, she tried her very best not to touch the surface, but the edges instead.. and she watched it once, and never again..
and its so freaking obvious that i'm A san..
and i being too paranoid? argh..
i used so much scripting till i scare cannot work properly.. haha.. anyway.. nothing else to elaborate.. ja ne!
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