alright.. first thing first.. i viewed 2 fancams on the arrival of NEWS in taiwan and a news on NEWS' arrival in taiwan.. ahhhhhh.. i'm so envious of the fans in taiwan! they get to see NEWS ftf!! how i wish i could go as well.. another thing, the airport is so much bigger in taiwan than in singapore la!(obviously).. NEWS had to walk a long way before they can exit to their bus(i would call it a bus since its big and long anyway).. hehe.. in singapore i think they can finish the path within one minute.. argh.. if they ever come to singapore, i'll be thoning overnight in the airport.. definitely!! with a high definition cam from whoever i can borrow from.. haha.. and frankly, i think the fans in taiwan are quite obedient.. compared to other countries.. not trying to say anything here..
oh ya.. anyway, something shocking to me.. i saw this today..

isnt it cool?? i never thought this movie would ever be brought into singapore!! and mostly cuz i tot it was still under the shooting process.. hmm.. so i'm outdated.. and this might jus mean that... KUROSAGI MAY BE BROUGHT INTO SINGAPORE AS WELL!! alright.. i'm random.. but surely its not bad to have some high hopes isnt it? *high hopes*
anyway, another thing, went into cr JE forum and saw these pics..

credit to killerzeon@crunchyroll.
well, kinda good isnt it?? i don mind this version of movie, frankly.. and you can really see a BAD/EVIL side of yamapi, so why not?? and i find the font for their names very familiar.. what is the font?? sand? kristen irc? nvm.. haha.. find it familiar already very enough.. haha.. and you can get more of tomapi here! though i'm more for TegoPi.. hehe..
and also, please spam me with fancam@taiwan concert!! i wan it! haha.. and finally, i saw the cover of the weeeek single on cr forum.. heh.. its nice!! esp the LE, i spotted TegoPi!! ahhhhhhhhhh!!! *dreamy* i don mind a yaoi fanfic on them.. can someone write one for me? haha.. and the more i look at the "poster", the more i feel like eating apple..esp if yamapi could peel and cut it for me..haha.. maybe i'll buy some on sun.. since i have to go out to settle something.. and also, 12 oct is nearing.. argh.. bad feeling bout it.. nvm.. hope all goes well? haha.. my grammar a bit wrong here and there..
anyway, one word for all who read my post today.. LET'S LOVE NEWS NE?
haha.. i'm glad that i ordered in cdjapan.. but i don have that much money yet, and i still owe joanne $24.68.. when can i return her the money? ahhhhh.. i hate owing money..
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