But it was a little disappointing, that working to pay the school fees to study overseas is almost impossible. 25k a year, 100k for a degree, and everything else for expenses and accomodation. Just like what my friend Jieshi said, 150k in a year. Even if you divide that by 3 years, 50k per year. Striking lottery might be easier done than earning that amount by working. SERIOUSLY.
NUS you'll regret for not enrolling me into your Japanese Studies course because you're losing one potential student here who will excel so much and graduate with a first class honours I believe. AS IF. HA HA HA.
Alright, I was just trying to make myself feel better you see? The road ahead will be so hard, and I'm not prepared for it at all. I need to save up for my coffin funds already like what I've told Yan Xuan last week when she said she was saving up for her future. You saw the difference? She's preparing for the best but I'm preparing for the worst.
Taking up the role isn't an easy task I supposed. To support not only oneself is difficult. In fact I have so many mouths to feed too come to think of that. Because I owe my life to them. Out of responsibility, but also out of my will. Which comes to this topic I had with Yan Xuan this afternoon too, regarding feeding the mouths you have to.
Alright, because I'm selfish enough to not want to take up this responsibility yet, I shall push this to when I've turned 25. (Because, I'm really not prepared to commit that much too.) When priorities take up your life, you have no choice but to follow them and fulfill them. I know I have these priorities, but I don't want to let them take over my life yet.
But frankly, what if I don't even live till 25? Shouldn't I be contributing something back to the society before it's too late?
I am really feeling that heavy burden on myself. I need to think hard for my future isn't it? Just how much is enough for one's life? And for one to live comfortably during old age? The person I met during a job interview said something very true. "I want to give the best, not the best I can give.". Or wait, I think it was "I want to afford the best, not the best I can afford.". Similar words, but totally different meanings to them. She said she wants to give her parents enough money for them to spend freely. Just how much money is that?
Imagine someone can spend up to probably $1000 a month, then if you have 2 persons to support, that will be $2000 already, and when you're supporting yourself, with that same amount, that is $3000. And I'm talking about SGD here, not USD. Then probably the usual expenses and necessities will cost another $1000, that is $4000. NOW, you can't be working for the present, you have to work for the FUTURE TOO. So if you want to prepare urself for your last 20 years, that will be 240 months. If you need $4000 to live per month, that will be $960, 000. Just round it up to 1Million already. Just how much do you have to earn to ensure you can support everyone in the present, and also save up for that 1Million for the future? 1M is a thousand of thousand, that means I need 1000 months to save up that amount. That is more than 83 years. I would be dead already before I saved up my first million. Seriously. Because if you do my maths, having a monthly $5000 income doesn't give me my million. Unless of course, I don't support anyone, and $3000 per month can bring me closer to my million. About 28 years, I'll get my first million. When I turn around 50 years old? How pathetic.
EDIT: Then I'm thinking now. When you're 50, you prepared yourself up till when you turn 70, and what shall happen when you turned 70 and all your savings are used up? OH YES. I JUST REMEMBERED. CPF. GREAT. (I bet when I turned 70, the govt would have already raised the age to withdraw the funds probably to 75.)
Isn't this a vicious cycle?
Argh, I can't believe I could settle for a $1,500 monthly salary. I should really think a bit further now. And yes, I must think how far I can go with my career. How can I make my money roll. Everything. I believe when I turn 21, I'll put a stop to many things.
By the way, I can't believe I was doing mathematics just now. Like what Mai always say, "How can you do maths/science in this kind of time?!".
You know what, I need to predict what will stay in fashion for the next 50 years. In fact, I should think of what is not yet in the fashion, but once released, will become the fashion and stay in fashion for the next 50 years, or more. And when I have extra funds, I can always do what I've always wanted to do.
Anyway, my first task is to clean up my room. Then I can think more. About how much I have to earn per month and all to reach my first million and all. Yeah. I should have that little amount of faith in myself. Didn't I say before I'm the material for those millionaire-to-be? *laughs*