Sorry for not giving a proper post, I promise the next post will be a proper update! *laughs* But first, let me get what I want to say out first~ Strangely, I got a little affected after reading some posts and comments~ Over at LJ of course! Not that I don't want to post there, but I find a little no point posting there when I'm already in hiatus for a long time.
I'm so outdated over there until I don't know how to start again~ *laughs* Anyway, I'm now listening to NEWS Happy Birthday Single already! It is uploaded here and click on the MF link because it usually works for most people~ *laughs* Thanks Emilia for the fast uploading!!
Basically, I was browsing through some posts over at LJ, then I found out that everyone holds different, in fact very different, opinions for this single. Generally, I love this single very much, to the state that I would really buy another copy just for the sake of keeping.
Actually, the feel has subsided. I don't really feel down now~ *laughs* Thanks to HB Single~ But, just now I really felt down. Because some claimed that they can't bring themselves to like the songs in HB. Suddenly I wondered, am I different? Why do I think that this single is wonderful, when others can't even bring themselves to listen~
But come to think of it, everyone's taste is different, you can't suit all~ So I'm still happy with my HB download~ When I get my copy I'll definitely rip out my version!^^ I always like things to fully belong to me~ *laughs*
For those who want to have a go, please listen to Happy Birthday Single! I think it is an excellent single of NEWS! It is comparable to Hoshi wo Mezashite! Almost! *laughs* I think my review will be coming up soon~ After that big review post I've done last time~ I want to do some ranking stuff too! *laughs* I'll do them then! Even though it is late now~ *laughs*
Ja ne!
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