20 September, 2008

last of the day!

Another MEME!! *laughs* 100 Qns again, I'm killing myself~

1. That you're doing this, we can assume you like NEWS at least some. Would you consider them your favorite Johnny's Entertainment group?
Oh yes you bet~

2. Can you name all 6 current members?
Who? *laughs* Of course.. Yamashita Tomohisa and the rest~^^ *oops* Tego, Massu, Kei, Shige, Ryo

3. What about the 2 not currently around?
Suddenly "koyama" came to my mind~ *laughs* Eh.. Uchi and Kusano~

4. Ninth who left a long time ago?
Mori.. Forgot.

5. How did you learn about NEWS?
I wonder too~

6. What was your first impression of NEWS?
No impression...

7. How did you come to like NEWS?
Kibou Yell? Yup~ This song~

8. What do you think is NEWS strongest point when compared to other JE/music/talent groups?
Hmmm.. Friendliness? Normal-ness?

9. What do you think is NEWS weakest point when compared to other JE/music/talent groups?
Live singing~ *sighs*

10. Are you listening to them right now?
Of course!^^ So happy!!

Music Related

11. Do you enjoy NEWS' music?
Why do you think I listen to them?

12. What are your 5 favorite NEWS songs? (Released on CD or not)
Argh.. Difficult choices!! But~ My first is Kibou Yell! Followed by... Party Time? Then of course Hoshi wo Mezashite, weeeek and Taiyou no NAMIDA then!^^

13. What's your all time favorite solo song?

14. What music genre do you consider NEWS?
I thought it was R&B, but it seems like they are trying on so so so many genres~ So.. JPOP~

15. What Japanese song would you love to hear NEWS do a cover of?
Hmmm.. Probably.. No idea.. I just hope no one does a cover of NEWS.. I don't want to imagine that~ Ok, maybe Tomadoi Nagara, since it is my fav... Wait~! I want "Lion Heart"!!!!!!!!! Yes!! They should sing some sad songs some day~ *laughs* If not "to heart"!!

16. What non-Japanese song would you love to hear NEWS do a cover of?
Eh.. How about 5566? I think some of their songs are really nice!! Since both are my fav boybands~ *laughs* Have some cultural exchange!!

17. Do you enjoy songs with all members or smaller groups better?
Everyone!! But sometimes it still depends on the song, whether I like it or not~

18. Can you sing all the lyrics to one or more of their songs?
Yes~^^ *proudly*

19. Do you have a favorite song title or lyric? What is it?
Difficult, but I can try.. I think, it will be "TAIYOU NO NAMIDA~~~~~~~~~~~~" *laughs* Since I'm singing it like no tomorrow~ But another one will be Daite's "tsk ahhh"... *laughs*

Favorite Related

20. Who's your favorite member?
Yamapi~^^ *hearts*

21. Who's your least favorite member?
I'm not sure.. They always change, if not, the 5 of them are all my least favourite? Since I don't rank after Yamapi~

22. Is there a member you could really do without?
Hmmm.. Not really.. They are all a part of the current NEWS. I treasure everyone's presence!!

23. Your favorite relationship between members (as friendship or more)?
Hmmm~ Probably elder brothers! Then I'll be flushed with all their loves!^^ Forever~! *laughs* But friendship is fine as well~

24. Who has the best fashion sense?
Pi~ (I don't really care about this anyway, so he is the best~)

25. Who normally has the best hairstyles?
Pi~ (I'm getting used and starting to like his current curly maggi-mee hair~ *laughs*)

26. Who's singing voice is your favorite?
Pi~ (But I have to admit, Tego is better at singing~)

27. Speaking voice?
Pi~ (You know? I'm biased~)

28. What’s your favorite NEWS group magazine shoot picture?
I'm too lazy to look through my 84371609391 pictures to find that favourite NEWS group magazine shoot picture...

29. Solo picture?
Same reason as above, but of course must be Pi~

30. Favorite shop photo?
I don't buy them..

31. Favorite CD cover?
Tough.. Probably Summer Time LE~^^

32. Favorite DVD?
N.E.W.S, now that they have 2, or rather 3, DVDs..

Member Related

33. If the members had become teachers, what do you think each would teach?
Pi - biology (I think it would be fun if he was to teach all those bio terms~ *laughs*)
Tego - soccer coach (he learns it doesn't he?)
Massu - swimming coach (he is a swimming coach~ If I didn't remember wrongly~)
Kei - history (Good at lecturing~ *laughs*)
Shige - mathematics (Brainy)
Ryo - music (Talented in musical instruments!)

34. Who seems most likely to show a different side of themselves on Christmas Eve?
Pi? He might be super playful.. Oh, no.. Then it should be Ryo, the serious and scary one becoming one warm and lovely being~

35. If NEWS rangers were created, what colors?
Erm.. I don't like rangers now. But if I have to choose, Pi is black, Ryo red, Shige green, Kei Pink, Tego purple and massu yellow~ *laughs* I dono why, don't ask me~

36. Please make NEWS into the ideal family.
Pi husband, Tego wife with house keepers KoyaTo, elder son Ryo, younger son Massu~

37. NEWS is a host club. Who would you pick, why?
Pi of course~ No reason~

38. What kind of costume would you like to see them wear at a concert that they haven’t already done?
I'm so ok with whatever they wear, I can't think of any.. But it's still better if they wear SOMETHING than NOTHING~

39. How would you like to be related to NEWS?
One of their irreplaceable staff whom they need everywhere they go, and in such a good relationship that Pi will play with the hat I wear~ *laughs* (Please refer to pacific Concert~)

40. Assign an animal to each member.
Pi - Dog
Kei - Cat
Shige - Rat
Tego - Squirrel
Massu - Hamster
Ryo - Fox


41. Which NEWS member reminds you most of one of your own family members?
Ryo~ I remember seeing him and thought he looked so much like my dad! *laughs*

42. Who seems most likely to dress up on Halloween and/or do cosplay?

43. Who do you think you could pass by on the street without noticing?

44. Who do you think has pulled the most all nighters?
What does it mean? Probably Shige. Since it's nothing good~ *laughs*

45. Which member would you want as a boss and why?
Kei~ Caring and forgetful and slacker~ *laughs*

46. Who would it be most awkward to catch in the erotic section of a video rental store?
Shige, he will have such a high pride~

Drama/TV Related

47. Do you watch the dramas containing NEWS members?
Sort of~

48. Do you watch dramas that DON'T contain NEWS members?

49. Have you seen all the dramas they've stared in?
Not really

50.What was the first Yamapi drama you saw?
Nobuta wo Produce, with no attention paid to the drama at all~

51. Do you wait for subtitles to watch a drama with NEWS members?
Sometimes, most of the times, always... I don't know~ Or.. Alright, probably not always..

52. Excluding Yamapi, which member of NEWS do you think has the best acting?
I assume you're already saying that Pi has the best acting right?^^ Must be Ryo then!

53. Excluding Yamapi, who's acting do you enjoy the most?
Again, you must have enjoyed his acting so much right? Ryo~

54. Is there a story you'd like to see made into a drama with one or more NEWS member?
Ouran High School Host Club? Just wondering who will act as twins. OH, KOYATO~ *laughs* Mori shld be Massu, Honey shld be Tego, while Tamaki being Pi and that specs guy RYo~ Oh, female, probably Maki, I still like her afterall~

55. Is there a certain type of role you’d like to see one of them play?
Not really, I don't really watch drama~

56. Do you watch Shonen Club?

57. Is your main reason for watching Shonen Club NEWS as guests or Koyama as host?
NEWS as guests?

58. Have you seen Yamapi and/or Tegoshi’s episodes on Shonen Club Premium?

59. Have you seen any other Shonen Club Premium episodes?

60. Did you regularly watch Ya-ya-yah!’s TV show?

61. Have you watched many/most of the older episodes?
Only the onigokku? Super exciting!

62. Did you try watching Say!Hey!Say! to see Koyama host?

63. Do you regularly watch Japanese music shows (Such as Music Station or HEYHEYHEY), or just when NEWS is featured?
Only when NEWS is featured, NEWS segment~

Fandom Related

64. Do you scan magazines?

65. Do you write fanfiction?
Tried, gave up~

66. Do you read fanfiction?
Read before, gave up.

67. Do you draw fanart?
Tried, gave up~

68. Do you enjoy fanart?
Not really, I want real thing.

69. Do you make image manipulations?
Tried, fail badly

70. Do you talk too much about NEWS?
What do you think?

71. Do you download pretty much everything that comes out?
Used to, no time now~

72. Do you upload for others?
Some of the times~

73. Do you make music/fan made videos?
Once, and only once~

74. Do you watch fanmade music/fan videos?
Not really..

75. Do you watch fancams?
Yes, if I have the time~

76. Do you do translations?
Now doing~

77. Do you read translations?
When it's interesting~

78. Do you follow their Jwebs?
Too busy to even follow Pi's!!!!!!!

79. Do you follow the rest of JE, or at least some of it?
Kei, since I'm translating~

80. Do you follow other Japanese musical groups?

81. Have you converted other people into NEWS fans?
Does Mai count?

82. Do your friends/family not interested in the group know about them?
Yes~ *laughs*

Merchandise Related

83. Do you own any NEWS CDs?
I do~

84. Do you own any DVDs?
I do~

85. Do you own any magazines?
I do~

86. Do you own any concert goods?
I do~

87. Do you own any shop photos?

88. Have any posters on your wall?

89. Any other special/not-above-mentioned items?
I wonder too.. Poker cards? *laughs*

90. If you could have any NEWS item given to you magically as a gift, what would it be?
Lifetime membership pass to all their concerts~ Not that greedy am I?

Final Part is Always Hardest

91. So. Are Uchi and Kusano coming back?
How would I know?

92. Do you want them back, why or why not?
No idea~

93. NEWS members having girlfriends- how do you feel?
At least they are not gays. But what if they are bi?

94. If you could meet and chat with just one of the members once in your life, who?
Pi~ Even though I doubt we can chat, since my Japanese is like....

95. Can you write the kanji for all member names?
Just pi's will do~

96. What do you think of Ryo being in both Kanjani8 and NEWS?
Poor guy.. The eye bags~

97. NEWS loses another member. Who is it, and why?
Ryo, split personality resulting in mental distortion or something and admitted into hospital.

98. Do you use the word “tabai”?

99. After this, one more question. You have to bring back one of the three lost members to NEWS- who is it?
Either one~ Probably I'll just draw lots~

100. …wasn’t this meme annoying?
I'm sleepy~

The end~

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