yes! and in the above picture are my beloved Yamapi and NEWS!! (where the hell is 5566??) does the NEWS pic actually look familiar? haha.. cuz that's a poster.. a poster on my wall now!! so.. what is yamapi doing in this picture? haha.. that is the new poster that i got today!!
3 cheers and 3 cheers and 3 cheers for yamapi! (da! da! da da da! da da da da! da da!)
*repeat for 3 times.. thank you..
most importantly, kurosagi!! its gonna be out on march! (tentatively) haha.. nevertheless, i'm so looking forward to it!! and, they are recruiting extras!! http://www.tbs.co.jp/extra-boshu/#kurosa
curse those ppl who got the role..
anyway, hearing from asianosity@livejournal's comment, there will be more development of yamaki! that's cool!! i wanna watch!! please... singapore, please take it in! like what you did with deathnote!! not to mention, when deathnote was released, singapore had the caption of something like huge something something.. that something refers to some word to do with the selling of the movie.. suddenly forgot the word.. but then i noe in chinese.. its piao4 fang2.. haha.. so i'm thinking, imagine when singapore brought in the movie, the caption is somewhat going to be the same, or even "stronger"!! woohoo!! jus by imagining the billboard.. oh!! is the word billboard? i dono.. anyway, jus by imagining the huge "__________" in mrt stations and tunnels filled with the publication for Kurosagi Movie 2008, isnt that enticing???? i bet i'll watch it for at least 2 - 3 times!! and i'll buy both version of the singapore version, + waiting for the japan version even if i have to pay bout $100.. change it to $80.. haha.. and i have 2 mags waiting for me.. i seriously hope that the person wont sell it to others, though i said it was alright.. that will be another $80 for the mags.. only 2 mags.. blame it on the shipping fee.. argh!!!
haha.. lastly, i went k box today, and i checked out the number of songs that mai and i can sing.. total up to 20.. that's miserable.. not that 30 songs can def last us 3 hrs.. haha.. but.. with some calculations, 10 songs = 45 mins ~ 50 mins at most.. let's take 50 mins.. 20 songs = 1 hr 40 mins.. and we'll be left with another 1 hr 20 mins.. though we need to eat and rest la.. haha.. good.. take 30 mins rest and eat.. then rest of the time sing.. haha.. and we'll repeat some songs, and also sing without music.. and all.. haha.. cant wait for that.. when are we gonna do it?? huh?? ANSWER ME!!!!! i have a yokan(premonition) that i'll have to wait till sem 2 wk 10~11.. but nvm.. that time i guess i would have gotten my 7500 prism.. if i don, i'll pester my dad for it.. at most i start saving money now.. argh.. that adds up to.. $560!!!! how can get to that amount before dec?? acutally, i can, if i don spend on mags and manga and food and necessities and all.. haha.. xiao.. i'm becoming..
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