25 April, 2009

Slight update

To: Watashi wa anata no koto ga suki na no ni, anata wa watashi no koto ga suki ja nai. Zan nen deshita.


Alright, 2 more days to a new week! I have already worked for 16 days and will slowly reach my first 20 days! Then finally I can proceed on to a 30 days and so on. I'll have to work around 200 days. And with that 200 days, I can get around $6000? So that will be $30/day? So sad. And with that, I'll be flying to Japan. 

And I must quickly think of a phrase to use whenever I'm behind someone. *Thinks hard*

And memorise menu. Yeah.

The end.

EDIT: I managed to get an hour of sleep today. I woke up just 2 minutes before the alarm rang. Then I managed to get that magazine I wanted. But I worked so much overtime for them and I even forgot to time out just now during the night. I hope nothing will happen.  

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