Well, I wasn't for it when I knew that the drama was going on. In fact, I actually thought it was a rumour. Seems like it isn't anymore. But I don't like this idea. I'm not sure if Ariel can do it, but if she really did well, I'll gladly accept it. What I can't accept is...
WHY IS TSURUGA REN JERRY YAN/YEN?!?!?!?!?!?!?! (See, I even forgot his surname~)
Do you know that, even if Tsuruga Ren was to be starred by Joe Chang, I would have also felt the same uncertainty? But I can't believe it. Totally. Jerry Yan/Yen? If he spoils my favourite male character in the manga, I'm so going to be anti him! Seriously! He better not spoils it, and the whole drama!!

I can't believe how all these are coming. For a moment, Skip Beat isn't that well-known. Then suddenly the anime came (not that I'm complaining, thank goodness I can still accept the anime). And now the drama came. And oh!
Japan is going to have a drama on this manga series I read, "Mei-chan no Shitsuji". I'm also doubting if they can act it well.

Alright, let's hope the scriptwriters and the actors and actresses are geniuses. Then everything will be fine with me.
By the way, I totally can't get the idea how Jerry Yan/Yen can become Tsuruga Ren and Joe Chang had to be Shoutaro. Totally can't. I'm somewhat glad that Joe Chang did not accept the offer. THEY BETTER NOT SPOIL MY SKIP BEAT!!!

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