23 November, 2008


You know what's the side effect of watching too much "KUROSAGI"? It's that I'm wanting to become one too. *laughs* 

At first I was wondering what to update today, in fact, I didn't have anything to update. Until this incident which just happened, and it got me so excited. Because frankly, it was the first time I encountered such things. SAGISHI (Swindlers)

There are 3 kinds of sagishi in the world. Shirosagi, which usually uses intelligence and swindles money in a business way. Akasagi, which uses their beauty to swindle off money from others. Kurosagi, who preys on shirosagi and akasagi, the swindler of swindlers.

Ok, that was roughly what I remembered from KUROSAGI. *laughs* Anyway, my friend, let's call her H, who asked me if I wanted to buy NEWS album, which is already out of print now, and very rare. Of course I was excited! And I spammed her like crazy. So she showed me the post, and I started to read it. This is the post.

So, I read through it, and I started to suspect this lj. Because everything seems too good to be true. And she emailed H stating she can buy as many copies as she want! That's cool isn't it? Buying as many copies as you want when THEY ARE OUT OF PRINT EVERYWHERE. Especially when they are BRAND NEW. You know? FRESH FROM JAPAN. Cool isn't it?

I got suspicious and I further discuss this matter with Jieshi aka Jess. Together, we decided to do something about it (though we couldn't really become a KUROSAGI, what a pity), so J posted a post about it here. You can try reading it, because seriously, I told her to make it as underlying as possible, the warning. *laughs*

So of course, our conclusion is that the person is a swindler, a cheater, whatever. If she happened to be innocent, and true, great, now I can get all my LE at such wonderful prices. NICE.

So I got my thrill by doing all these the whole night, until now, which I've not bathed still. I'm so going to be a panda during lesson later. *cries* 

So I have some real funny conversations with my friends. I shall do screen caps~! Yeah~!

Hahah, I'm done with it. And I'm happy now~ Everyone, please beware of this kind of sellers ok! And read the post if you want, because they are so entertaining.

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