11 October, 2008

Long time no see!!!!!!!!

Actually, this is for Brenda.. Because I haven't seen her for months~ Her hair is so much longer than mine!! Not fair!!!!!! *laughs* I'm now posting in her room by the way~

Anyway, today went out with Yanxuan again~ We discussed so much about our trip to Japan in 3 years time, when we reach 22 years old. Then after discussing so much, we realised that SG$10, 000 may not be enough for our trip at all~ *laughs* Take a look at the buying list below:

  1. NEWS merchandise
  2. Yamapi merchandise
  3. NEWS concert
  4. NEWS old singles
  5. Tops
  6. Bottoms
  7. Shoes
  8. Coats
  9. Accessories
  10. Snacks

How can we survive with just $10, 000? By the way, she is looking out for Tamaki's merchandise too~ Hehehe.. So conclusion? We'll be going in 6 years time instead~ *laughs* Just when we turn 25 years old. Well, not a bad age too. Since by which time we should have mastered enough Japanese to last our trip~

By the way, I want to go Italy!! Hehehe. And I think if I'm going Italy, Meizi will be going? Not sure yet, since she's not confirmed about it. Then I'll have so many trips to many countries with different people I guess? Since I still have Mai, but that's to Japan as well~ *laughs*

Nevermind, because I think everything will take time. Shall see again~ But I know, Japan and Italy are my sure destinations for touring~^^

Slight edit: My guess and Jess's guess on MURARISUTO is correct!! It is a Koyashige collaboration!! Yeah~!!

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