ahhh.. at first i wanna use japanese type out the introduction.. but, i'm tired.. so i'll jus type in english.. haha.. anyway, the weather is cold ne~ but i felt very comfortable today.. cuz i bathed in hot water!! finally!^^ haha.. kimochi na~ however, i wonder if its the fault of the prawn crackers ytd, i have sore throat now.. i'm going to drink the woods cough syrup later.. again.. haha..
anyway, yeah~ i had a fun day today!!^^ first, i get to wake up late, as my class started at 1.. then i had breakfast at home, cuz i asked my dad to buy it for me~ after that, though it was a rainy day, i managed to go sch, and did the experiment.. most importantly, i went for the brewery tour^^ its this tourand i guess the sch pays for us or something.. haha.. i had fun in there^^ and i have lots of photos to put up^^
it was tiring ne~ to get there.. cuz its so far away from my sch, we took almost an hr to reach there.. then, there was a guide who led us around the brewery.. there were many stairs to climb, and basically, other than silos and tanks, there wasnt much to see.. so at the end of the day, we were brought to the Tiger Tavern to taste beer^^ that was my first time drinking.. (so now, whenever ppl ask when was my first drinking, i will mention this.. haha.. which is, kinda pathetic? haha..) or maybe not my first time, since i tasted beer when i was like 7 yrs old, ate choco, ice cream and cakes that contains alcohol.. but then, to actually drink the beer, it was my first time, and moreover, after the legal age of drinking.. so anyway, i had 7 different kinds of beer^^ and i can really taste the difference in every brand.. (wow.. my taste buds are good..) and the atmosphere there is really good^^ it makes me feel like i can sit there the whole day jus to relax or chat^^ anyway, firstly, i tried Tiger Beer.. well, its their major brand there.. so we had to try that before we can try the others.. we 5 sat at the counter ne~ so we get to see how they wash the glasses and all.. it was amazing.. haha.. maybe i shld have taken the photo of that as well..(kiasu-ism again..) jas took a small sip and couldn take it.. *laughs* then star took it, also couldn take it.. *laughs again* then i let meizi had her sip before i drink.. while erica who said that she doesn share drinks, took a sip as well.. but in the end.. that glass of Tiger Beer ended up in meizi's and my stomach.. *laughs* but i guess meizi drank more than i do.. haha.. cuz i was very enthu in drinking the rest of the brands^^
then i asked the guide for another brand ne~ (i wanted to try Erdinger cuz he recommended it.. but he gave me another instead..) and he gave me Heineken.. so this time round, i took a sip first.. and i realised it was different from TB.. but couldn explain what was the dif.. star also said it was dif..(she took one sip, and couldn take it again..) then the guide came saying that it is lighter, as in not that strong? in the aroma or taste? yup.. so.. jas went to drink coke instead, and Heineken went down meizi's and my stomach again.. haha.. but this time round, i drank more than meizi did.. (so we're equal ne~) and finally, Erdinger came.. haha.. and its wheat beer.. anyway, it sort of went around before coming back to us(we 5) and meizi took a sip.. the remaining, amazingly, did not went down meizi's stomach, it went down erica's and my stomach..(yes.. i drank quite a lot..) then somehow, more beer started to appear.. haha.. and i saw the guinness stout, and i took a sip.. it was bitter, but the aroma is nice.. haha.. cuz its made with roasted malt, so it has an aroma similar to that of coffee maybe? haha.. and after that, i requested for ABC Ginseng Stout^^ cuz i've been wanting to try that out.. and yeah~ the guide gave me a small glass of it^^
the moment i drank it, i knew that it was the one i like^^ haha.. the aroma is rich, at the same time, there is a ginseng taste, which i like as well^^ but star couldn take it.. she said it was too strong.. the ginseng.. and she kept complaining that the bitter taste lingered in her mouth.. and betrand came to get the ginseng as well.. and he took mine..(i was hoping that i can have it on my own.. haha.. but nvm..) and returned with half remaining.. so erica and i shared that half.. cuz we both like the taste and aroma of it^^ then betrand returned again..(frankly, i forgot bout the sequence.. haha..) with another beer, kellerbier.. which i didn managed to take photo of.. (cuz it slipped off my mind, and it was betrand who "served" me, so i kinda of forgot it was ANOTHER brand.. if it was served as a new glass of beer, i would have taken noticed and take the photo ne~ anyway, when i reached this stage.. i can feel the dizziness already.. not that strong, and somehow, kind of fun and relax.. haha.. and i know that meant i was almost getting drunk.. so we girls went to the toilet ne~ and then i realised that my foot steps were kinda light, as in.. argh.. i cant explain.. but its sort of like i was floating.. haha.. then when i went to the toilet, i realised that.. most of my classmates had blushed/flushed faces..(i dono which word is the correct one.. so.. haha.. maybe both are wrong as well..) except for me.. so.. is that normal? i couldn find info online.. so maybe someone who knows bout the mechanism behind can explain to me.. (maybe being fat is the reason.. the fats are sooooo thick until the blush/flush cannot be seen..)
anyway, right before we were leaving the place, someone was rotating a glass of Baron's.. and its the beer that has the highest percentage of alcohol(in Tiger Tavern), but i knew i was almost getting drunk, so i only took a sip.. amazingly, jas wanted to try it..*shocked* and she couldnt take it still.. haha.. and we left that place.. haha.. and finally, i had the chance to play a Nintendo DS!^^ it belongs to my classmate though.. (when one of my friends actually owns it..) it was kind of him ne~ to let me play.. haha.. or maybe, its cuz of jas huh? haha.. anyway, i played a few rounds of Cooking Mama.. haha.. kinda fun.. and there goes my whole afternoon and evening.. but then, i guess this was the most enjoyable outdoor trip i had.. cuz of the harmonious atmosphere i had^^maybe its due to the non-presence of cpu..anyway, time for pictures now.. haha..Tiger Tavern~
us~ (we had a hard time taking the photos cuz the seats were too high and the ppl at the back couldn be seen.. -_-|| that's why you see me lying on the bar top..)
the 6 beers~ Tiger Beer, Heineken, Guinness, Erdinger, Baron's and ABC
last but not least, our guide, Andrew..
and also.. jus to brighten up your day.. a rainbow^^(well, its not a natural one.. but its beautiful^^ blame my camera~)
yeah~ i'm done with posting^^ finally.. haha.. its a long day.. gotta slp!!
ja ne~
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