28 June, 2010

I've grown fatter

This post has nothing to do with the title above, definitely. *laughs* Well, I just thought I should really update once in a while, especially when this blog used to be my most updated blog. I guess I shall jot my thoughts down in point forms before I forget them all.

  • My status and job
  • My friends
  • My idol
  • Others

Well, I'm still working in the same place, the restaurant. Things are just going well, or probably not as well, or probably just too well, I'm not too sure. It seems like I'm still stuck in this state, and I'm not improving much, time to reflect. Some times it is really challenging because of the manpower we have had. There are things I enjoyed doing and working over there. I'm really glad that I've become part of the team there. But I think it's time for me to get a short break to freshen up before moving on with this job. Not considering a job change yet, but things are not definite. I shall get things to enlighten myself and think carefully before moving the next step.

As for my life, I practically have no life. Ok I do, but not much. I guess it is really due to the long working hours. I'm drained usually at the end of the day, and the next day comes another working day. The weekends that most people look forward to the most are the days I look forward to the least. The days I look forward to are off days and pay days. Due to this job I realised I've drifted away from my daily life and friends. I feel that it's not like I have many things to do or many tasks to complete, it's just that I don't like to rush things or complete things within a time frame that leads me to the state I'm at now. I think I really prefer to do things with my own pace. I may set a time limit but I wouldn't set a time limit just enough for the things I want to complete, I will set more time just so I can do things slowly. Somehow this reminds me of Blood Type A, which is very own pace. Am I also affected by my blood type?

Anyway, I only have 1 day off a week usually. And this day, I have to dedicate to many things that I want to do and I really find I have no time for them. Of course I can wake up early but somehow sleeping is also something that I want to do badly. *laughs* And speaking of this, I really neglected my friends by so much so much so much. It's not like I have many friends, but I can't handle just a few friends, let alone the rest whom I can't don't really keep a contact with. 

Just recently, I contacted a few friends, and it really made me feel nostalgic. I want to go back to the times where we were all so carefree. I'm not having a hard time definitely, but my some of my friends are. It hits you when everyone around you are not having the best time of their lives and yet you're complaining about the slightest thing in your life. Sooner or later I'll have to face different difficulties, but I'm still living in my own world thinking that everything is going well. It's so tiring to think of all the problems the world and your surrounding is facing. I'm not matured enough. I'm not ready for the world.

So, I'm really glad to contact these friends, and to know that at least they are still doing well with their lives, though they might be faced with different challenges. It's with these friends I realised that I'm really fortunate. I really don't know what I've done to have all these friends to stay by me. Why do I feel that I'll cry hard when I meet one of them? I want to do the same as what these friends has done for me. I guess I'll have to stay strong and become better so that these friends can count on me too. 

I've read that a woman only needs a few close friends for herself, and I am really fortunate to have these many close friends. These precious friendships that I once used to have are all coming back to me. They are overwhelming but I'm not complaining. I know how I treat friends and there are times which I don't really give good attitude or treat them the way they have treated me. I want to do more. 

Alright, have to move on as I need to get ready to meet Mai. But my main point here is, I'm glad I contacted my friends, and it seems like even though we've not contacted for months, we're still as close as how we were before. It's truly amazing. Somehow there are friends who are really bonded so well that even after a long time, they could bond like they have never parted before. I don't know what I'm typing already, let's move on.

And as you can see, my fangirling is no longer on this blog for long, it's not like I've abandoned my idol. In fact I've become more engrossed and I'm really spending more on them. I'm still looking out for their news and I'm still supporting them the way I can. Well, if I have gone Japan last year just for a concert, it should be clear that I'm still supporting them full force. :)

Anyway, just a small update. Pi is releasing his third single "One in a million" and I can sense an album coming soon next year!! :) 

I can't wait for the leaks to be out! I want to listen to the song fully!! I guess July is going to be a fruitful month for me! Happy!

Well, I really have to rush. Everyone please take care.