29 August, 2008

More tests!

Stolen from Yan Xuan's~

Your result for The Quick & Painless ENNEAGRAM Test...

9 - the Peacemaker

Thanks for taking the test !

you chose BX - your Enneagram type is NINE (aka "The Mediator")

"I am at peace"

Peacemakers are receptive, good-natured, and supportive. They seek union
with others and the world around them.

How to Get Along with Me

  • If you want me to do something, how you ask is important. I especially
    don't like expectations or pressure.

  • I like to listen and to be of service, but don't take advantage of this.

  • Listen until I finish speaking, even though I meander a bit.

  • Give me time to finish things and make decisions. It's OK to nudge
    me gently and nonjudgmentally.

  • Ask me questions to help me get clear.

  • Tell me when you like how I look. I'm not averse to flattery.

  • Hug me, show physical affection. It opens me up to my feelings.

  • I like a good discussion but not a confrontation.

  • Let me know you like what I've done or said.

  • Laugh with me and share in my enjoyment of life.

What I Like About Being a NINE

  • being nonjudgmental and accepting

  • caring for and being concerned about others

  • being able to relax and have a good time

  • knowing that most people enjoy my company; I'm easy to be around

  • my ability to see many different sides of an issue and to be a good
    mediator and facilitator

  • my heightened awareness of sensations, aesthetics, and the here and

  • being able to go with the flow and feel one with the universe

What's Hard About Being a NINE

  • being judged and misunderstood for being placid and/or indecisive

  • being critical of myself for lacking initiative and discipline

  • being too sensitive to criticism; taking every raised eyebrow and twitch of the mouth personally

  • being confused about what I really want

  • caring too much about what others will think of me

  • not being listened to or taken seriously

NINEs as Children Often

  • feel ignored and that their wants, opinions, and feelings are unimportant

  • tune out a lot, especially when others argue

  • are "good" children: deny anger or keep it to themselves

NINEs as Parents

  • are supportive, kind, and warm

  • are sometimes overly permissive or nondirective

Renee Baron & Elizabeth Wagele

The Enneagram Made Easy

Discover the 9 Types of People

SanFrancisco, 1994, 161 pages

Take The Quick & Painless ENNEAGRAM Test at HelloQuizzy

28 August, 2008

You Know What?

I just cried. *laughs*
I just cried.
You did not read wrongly, I just cried.
I don't know what I'm crying for.
All I did was to watch video, many though.
The one that make me cried, amazingly.
I'll show it at the end of the post.
Basically, I still wonder why I cry.
I seem to have a soft spot for animals.
Anyway, I watched several videos!
From cute cats, to cats and dogs, and finally to parrots.
It was from parrots, I started to tear.
But why?
Anyway, I moved on to budgies.
They are super cute!
Their voices are so animated and radio-like!
I thought it was fake!
So, I watched, until this video, and I cried.
With a little sobbing too~
I think I miss birds too much.
I need birds.
Or rather, I need my chicken.
Now I really feel like crying.
My chicken~
*misses you always*

27 August, 2008

Happy "Bath" Day!!

Alright.. I'm good enough ok~ To dedicate one full post to you~ And I spent 3 hours in doing some small things for you, YOU BETTER APPRECIATE THEM! (I admit, I'm doing all these because I have no money to celebrate with you~ *laughs*)

So, Happy Birthday to Maisurah~!
*pops champagne* *cheers* *claps* *fireworks* *confetti*
(Enough commotion? *laughs*)

Thank goodness I'm ready to post exactly on 00:00, later then message you la~ Hahaha.. So, I'm going to present to you what I've done, YOU MUST ACCEPT THEM OK!!!!!!!! I shall skin you alive if you don't even bother to take 10 minutes to see what I've done for you. Obviously it is nothing much, but I took 3 HRS ok! Some more I must say, this is much more difficult compared to "the rest", you'll know what I mean later~ *laughs* Alright, enjoy first!^^

Another present, thank goodness I remembered~ Please go here~
However, I don't have all I realised. Must have forgotten to upload~

My original video IS IN SYNC!!!!!!! So blame the host, not me~ Argh.. I'm so upset!!! I tried it 3 times!!!

*Spoilers* (You should only read after you've watched the above clip~)
Firstly, SHIGE!!!!!!!!! What happened to you?! Your shots are so little! *laughs* I had a hard time finding appropriate scenes of Shige solos ok! Koyama would have been an easier target, I can't believe it.. So in a few scenes, you realised the focus is not on Shige, but on other members, he JUST HAPPENED to be beside~ *laughs* I'm watching it as I'm posting, so that I know what else to write~

And it is so obvious to see that he is lip syncing some of the times~ Not to disappoint you though. But he is kakkoi at some points la~ Haha.. And oh, I realised his habit in dancing/singing la~ His signature hand movement, when he was performing "SNOW EXPRESS".. That hand sticking out and bringing back~ Also he likes to frown like no tomorrow~ *laughs*

Also, some of the scenes he wasn't even singing. *laughs* I included some Koyama, because you like him too, but the main reason is because, he is easier to capture and during his parts, shige has very little appearance, but these appearances are the only appearance during that song performance. *laughs* Most of the times, he gets only 2-3 seconds focus. *laughs* So it was really difficult for me to get that 3 seconds out~ No point at all~ Don't even have a full phrase in the lyrics~

No subs, but you don't really need it anyway, this is the chance for you to admire your Shige's performance. Don't worry, not much of spoilers, and frankly, by watching the real DVD, I think his appearances would have only increased from 5:16 to probably 10 minutes? *laughs* I mean his SOLO~ I think? *laughs*

Previously, I wanted to combine both videos, but too bad they are of different resolution, I'm too lazy to change, so I uploaded as 2 vids~ Also, I've found Kose CM, but don't really suit the whole vid, and also I think the resolution different? In the end, just like this~ *laughs*

You must tell me all the songs in sequence ok! I don't care, being a NEWS fan, you must be able to recognise all songs in the clip above, they are so easy ok! Homework for you! And don't you dare find the tracklist of the DVD, because I did them in sequence~ Hahaha..

Anyway, I hope you can enjoy the 2 videos above~ Happy Birthday!!^^
*Spoilers end*

For others, you may watch too~^^ *laughs* And realise how pathetic it was~ *laughs* Tomorrow will be my last paper, but I've not studied much yet!! How can I! Argh~ Have to wake up early tomorrow~ Last dash! Eh? Should be "Last Spurt"! Oh yeah! Hahaha..

You know what? After watching for many times, I think.. I've done QUITE a good job~ *laughs* Though the joints may be abrupt, but not that abrupt? *laughs* I don't know what I'm talking about. Youtube, please don't screw up!

It screwed up~ Not going to care anymore~ Anyway, blogger I TRUST YOU!


25 August, 2008

Pi's Hand and Wink!

Remember about my meme? If you didn't read, it's ok~ (It's too long anyway~)

Just pasting the clip which refers to what these qns has asked and what I've answered.

14)說出本命的習慣/癖好。[Name the habits of Honmei.]
Uses left hand to hold chopsticks when he is a right-hander. Habitually closes his right eye when winking~^^

42) 本命的唱歌特徵。[Special features of Honmei's singing.]
Short note? But I think that's due to shortness of breath~ *laughs* And as mentioned before, his right hand!! His right hand in a hand-shaking shape, placing it higher than his head, then his looks/sight/view will follow his right hand as it moves down~ Some times the eyes will not look at the hand, but the hand will still move from above the head to bout chest height~^^ I shall cut out a clip to show when I have the time~^^

So now~ The hand and the wink~ Hehe~ The songs are "Mafuyu no Nagareboshi" (~Sora ni Matakaita) and "Cherish"(~Kissu Dekiru) ! Pi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KUROSAGI The Movie will screen on 18th Sep!! One day right after my birthday! *laughs* It shall be my belated birthday present then~ On the other hand, the DVD will be released on 16th Sep. Just what is wrong with my birthday? *laughs* Alright, probably the parcel will reach me ON my birthday~^^ Mai! Let's watch together ok! KUROSAGI! I'm so happy until I can watch HYDF too~ *laughs*

Now I have more things to save money for~ How nice~ Did I mention? Happy Birthday Single will be released on 1st Oct!! That means, I have to save for movies and singles. Then I'll have to save for the movie DVD (Singapore version). Argh! They surely know how to choose their time well~

So, to make my birthday week and birthday more NEWS/Pi-filled, they should air "Happy Birthday" PV on 17th. *laughs* Probably come out with a couple of DVD release news on 15th Sep, followed by some CM in Singapore announcing the screening of KUROSAGI on 19th Sep. Lastly, 20th, 21st can be filled with some NEWS related activities~ *laughs*

Alright, I think September will be such an enjoyable month for me, even though my attachment is starting RIGHT ON THE DOT.

I shall end here then~ Oh yeah! SEPTEMBER~ SEPTEMBER~ SEPTEMBER~

22 August, 2008

Firefox Wins

Thanks Lucy! Whoever and wherever you are, for the full hour of help you've provided me! She is a friendly volunteer on Mozilla Firefox help live chat!^^

So, I think the problem for my Firefox is FINALLY solved. I can switch off my com without worries now~ *laughs* Have to sleep!


My Firefox

Argh... I didn't expect my firefox to not work on this com. And I've been tolerating this Firefox until today. Finally, I went to the live chat to find solutions, and my connection had to die on me~ Now I have to restart on my queue~ How nice~ I want my firefox to be fixed totally!

Number 6 in the queue. Faster! Anyway, my main purpose of posting is not about my Firefox. It is about some coincidences that clashed with "Happy Birthday"~ *laughs*

I thought, it was something amazing, since I wasn't notified of any NEWS news since Saturday, which means I know nothing about their Kose CM until today, or yesterday.

Probably a week ago, I chatted with Jess, and I told her about my "wish" that NEWS will release something during Sep/Oct period so that I'll have something to tide my attachment period through. And well, NEWS are releasing something, on the 1st Oct, so my wish came true~^^

But this is not the main thing. *laughs* I had a dream today, this morning, or probably yesterday morning, considering the time now. Whichever morning it was, I had a dream. I wouldn't have noticed the chemistry if not for chatting with Mai just now.

Somehow, my class and I were having some lesson, taught by 2 females? Strange enough. Then Meizi's birthday was close, in fact it is now.

Happy Birthday Meizi!~ I shall owe you your celebration this year until I get more money~! Sorry about it! Enjoy your birthday ok!^^

Alright, back to the dream. Then I forgot what happened, Meizi suddenly told me it was the birthday of one of the females teaching, and we sang a happy birthday song for her. Right after that, I went out of the room and went into a fair kind of thing. Many cds and vcds and dvds were displayed, and I was attracted by the poster which said something about Tony Sun Xie Zhi's old albums. Of course I searched for his albums! But they were so dusty, and suddenly I thought of searching for NEWS discs, so I looked for NEWS instead. I saw KT's, a DVD with title "NEW ...." something which I can't remember much, and no NEWS. Then I was woken up by my aunt's and Star's sms~

But hey. There are a few links isn't it? From singing Happy Birthday to finding NEWS discs~ Wow~ I'm having some telepathy with NEWS~ *laughs*

My Firefox is still not fixed. *cries*

21 August, 2008


Your result for The Commonly Confused Words Test...


You scored 93% Beginner, 100% Intermediate, 100% Advanced, and 60% Expert!

You have an extremely good understanding of beginner, intermediate, and advanced level commonly confused English words, getting at least 75% of each of these three levels' questions correct. This is an exceptional score. Remember, these are commonly confused English words, which means most people don't use them properly. You got an extremely respectable score.

Thank you so much for taking my test. I hope you enjoyed it!

For the complete Answer Key, visit my blog: http://shortredhead78.blogspot.com/.

Take The Commonly Confused Words Test at HelloQuizzy

Another test!

Your result for The Perception Personality Image Test...

NBDS - The Trailblazer

Nature, Background, Detail, and Shape

You perceive the world with particular attention to nature. You focus on the hidden treasures of life (the background) and how that is affected by the details of life. You are also particularly drawn towards the shapes around you. Because of the value you place on nature, you tend to find comfort in more subdued settings and find energy in solitude. You like to ponder ideas and imagine the many possibilities of your life without worrying about the details or specifics. You are highly focused on specific goals or tasks and find meaning in life by pursuing those goals. You prefer a structured environment within which to live and you like things to be predictable.

The Perception Personality Types:


Take The Perception Personality Image Test at HelloQuizzy

Happy Birthday To You!!!!!!!

Nobody's birthday, unless that person is born on 1 Oct.. Which I'll be so envious of, to be able to receive wishes from NEWS directly~^^ So called~ *laughs*

NEWS is releasing another single!! "Happy Birthday"!!!!!! Although it will not be released on my birthday, it's near anyway~ *laughs* Probably the PV will be released on my birthday? Then I can feel the wish from them~^^

Now I'll have something to think of during my attachment period~^^ NEWS!! Not only pacific Concert, but "Happy Birthday" too!

But sad to say, I'm in a broke state now. How am I going to raise money for so many things within a month!!!!!!!! Argh.. I need money, any part time job? I think I'm very very willing to work now. All I need is money~ *laughs*

So anyway, I must strive hard for studies!! And then focus on NEWS~ *laughs*

20 August, 2008


*laughs* Basically, I've got nothing much better to do (not really), so I tried 2 meme~ Both on JE! Lengthy post coming, be aware~ Anyway, 2 papers down, 3 more to go!! I want to pass everything! So that I can go for my attachment! *prays* Alright, so the meme~


The BIG 100 Questions Survey of Johnny's Entertainment

1. Which Johnny band is your favourite:

2. Why:
I just LOVE them~

3. Who is your favourite Johnny:

4. Why:
I just LOVE him!!!

5. When is your very first contact with a Johnny:
If you mean when I first got to know a Johnny, that will be years ago.. Probably already 10 years or more~ (wow~)

6. Who was it:
Hmmm.. There are many possibilities.. May be Tsuyoshi from SMAP, may be Tsuyoshi from Kinki Kids.. You know? Maybe it's just KimuTaku.. *laughs*

7. How did you know him:
J-Dramas~ Hahaha.. Definitely by J-Drama~

8. When actually did you really start listening/liking the JE:
Hey~ I liked them before.. Kinki Kids and SMAP.. *laughs* I listened to them before too! Is that counted? But if you mean my current JE grp, that will be a year+ ago.. Since 19 Jun 2007~^^

9. What incident brought you into JE:
For my previous encounter, it would be JDrama.. But for my current craze, it's my friend, Mai, who introduced me. But I was the one who brought her into JE? *laughs*

10. Do you have a favourite JE song:
Of course!^^ Wanna guess? "Hooray Hooray Kimi ni Boku Kara..."

11. Do you listen to them the most:
The group for my favourite song? Are you kidding? Who else will I listen to MOST OF THE TIME except for 5566? *laughs*

12. If not, who is your favourite band/artist:
No "If not", NEWS is my favourite band. But if you mean artist, it's Yamapi~^^

13. Which band/singer did you listen/like the most before JE:


14. Who is your favourite in Kat-tun:
Hmmm.. None I shall say..

15. Why:
Because they are not my favourite group..

16. Do you have a favourite song of Kat-tun:
I think I do, let me recall.......

17. Do you have a favourite live of Kat-tun:
Erm.. I think.. No?

18. Do you have a favourite show appearance of Kat-tun:
Hmmm.. Tough question. I wonder if I've ever watched their show appearance before in the first place..

19. Who do you think can sing the best of Kat-tun:
Eh.. No idea.. I can't recognize their individual singing voice in the first place~

20. Who do you think can dance the most of Kat-tun:
Well.. Maybe all? Oh~ Probably Koki is not bad?

21. Who is the girliest of Kat-tun:
Hmmm.. Wait.. I need to remember their faces first..

22. Who is the manliest of Kat-tun:
Koki? He seems rough~

23. Who is the cutest member of Kat-tun:
Well.. I don't think anyone in KT is cute, unless they can win the cuteness of Tegoshi in the first place~

24. Who is the funniest member of Kat-tun:
No idea..

25. Who is the most prettiest in Kat-tun:

26. Who has the best appearance in Kat-tun:

27. Do you have a favourite PV of Kat-tun:

- NEWS -

27. Who is your favourite in NewS:
Yamashita Tomohisa!^^

28. Why:
My official first Johnny!! But that's not the reason, I like him first before liking NEWS~

29. Do you have a favourite song of NewS:
Of course! Didn't I already mention it previously? Kibou ~YELL~!!!!

30. Do you have a favourite live of NewS:
Does "ALL" count? If not.. First appearance of Taiyou no NAMIDA on MS!! Where everyone except Ryo got wet~ *laughs*

31. Do you have a favourite show appearance of NewS:
Show appearance? Well.. Domoto is what I can think of right now.. I realised they make very little show appearance~

32. Who do you think can sing the best of NewS:
Have to admit, Tegoshi.

33. Who do you think can dance the most of NewS:
Yamapi!!^^ (I don't care if others think otherwise~)

34. Who is the girliest of NewS:
Kei~ *laughs*

35. Who is the manliest of NewS:
Oh dear.. I keep changing my answer.. Does this mean that no one in NEWS is man enough? *laughs* Alright, Massu then~^^

36. Who is the cutest member of NewS:

37. Who is the funniest member of NewS:
Funniest? Kei? Hmmm..

38. Who is the most prettiest in NewS:
Yamapi! Tegoshi is the second!

39. Who has the best appearance in NewS:
Pi of course~ *laughs*

40. Do you have a favourite PV of NewS:
I can't remember the sequence now.. I used to like TEPPEN the most, then I think weeeek overtook it? Or probably not.. Summer Time may have overtook weeeek and TEPPEN too.. Nevermind, its still TEPPEN~

- Kanjani8 -

41. Who is your favourite in KanJani8:
Eh.. Seriously, no idea.

42. Why:
Because I don't pay much attention to them.

43. Do you have a favourite song of KanJani8:
Yes I do! A few in fact! But I don't remember the titles~ *cries*

44. Do you have a favourite live of KanJani8:
How about Ryo's performance during NEWS concerts?

45. Do you have a favourite show appearance of KanJani8:
Not really, since I don't watch their show appearances.

46. Who do you think can sing the best of KanJani8:
Hmmm.. Since I don't know about the rest, Ryo?

47. Who do you think can dance the most of KanJani8:
Tough question. Do they dance?

48. Who is the girliest of KanJani8:
I think I know the answer to this. But nevermind. Skip!

49. Who is the manliest of KanJani8:

50. Who is the cutest member of KanJani8:

51. Who is the funniest member of KanJani8:

52. Who is the most prettiest in KanJani8:

53. Who has the best appearance in KanJani8:

54. Do you have a favourite PV of KanJani8:
I watched a few PVs before~ Wahaha maybe? Since it was enjoyable~^^


55. Who is your favourite in Arashi:
No one eh~

56. Why:
Cuz I don't pay attention to them too?

57. Do you have a favourite song of Arashi:
OH YES~ Tomadoi Nagara.

58. Do you have a favourite live of Arashi:
Not really.

59. Do you have a favourite show appearance of Arashi:
None too~

60. Who do you think can sing the best of Arashi:
Hmmm.. Is it Ohno?

61. Who do you think can dance the most of Arashi:
Is it MatsuJun?

62. Who is the girliest of Arashi:
I have no idea~

63. Who is the manliest of Arashi:
Shld be Sho I guess.

64. Who is the cutest member of Arashi:

65. Who is the funniest member of Arashi:

66. Who is the most prettiest in Arashi:

67. Who has the best appearance in Arashi:
Sho I think~

68. Do you have a favourite PV of Arashi:


69. Who is your favourite younger unit:
Younger as in age or junior unit? I think I have none, but probably A.B.C? Yup~

70. Who is your favourite older unit:
Well.. Quite many.. Kinki Kids, SMAP... ... ... Oh~ Only 2? *laughs*

71. Do you have a favourite member of any younger or older unit:
Hmmm.. If I have to have one, should be Tsuyoshi from Kinki Kids.

72. Do you have a favourite song of any younger or older unit:
Well~ Unforgetable, Lion Heart by SMAP~ If not, Garasu no Shounen by Kinki Kids!!

73. Do you have a favourite show with any younger or older unit:
Domoto can be one! SXS looks fun too~

74. Do you have a favourite live of any younger or older unit:
Hmmm~ Not really~


75. Do you have a favourite actor in JE:
Oh yes you bet.. Yamapi!!

76. Do you have a favourite dorama starring with one of JE:

77. What was your very first dorama staring with one of JE:
Eh.. If all the way to when I first got to know JE, probably Food Fight featuring Tsuyoshi from SMAP, if not some KimuTaku dramas~

78. Which dorama of JE do you watch recently:
Am trying my best to start Code Blue.. *laughs*

79. Which dorama of JE do you want to watch:
Code Blue!!

80. Who do you wish would should start acting, who hasn't yet:
Hmm.. No one~ I'm pleased with people who are already acting~

81. Who do you wish should stop acting, because he sucks at acting or he should do something else instead:
Hmmm.. No one too, since I'm please with people who are already acting~


82. Do you think that you are JE addicted:
Very Much..

83. Why do you think so:
From the state of my wallet..

84. What will you do seeing your favourite Johnny standing in front of your door:
Shuts the door on him first, then scream and shout and go bonkers. Then open the door to check if he is still around~ *laughs* Wait.. This is a little stupid.. I think I'll bring all my JE collections for him and ask him to sign, while sneakily taking photos and videos of him outside my door.. Before he leaves, get a handshake or even a hug from him (while at the same time, see if I can sneak something from him~ *laughs*), and probably offer him something that he can keep on him!! Hehehe~

85. What advantages does starting liking JE give you:
Happier and enriched life? I wonder~

86. What disadvantages does it give you:
*looks at my wallet*

87. How many times a day do you think about JE:

88. How many times do you have the face of your favourite Johnny around you:

89. If your favourite Johnny or your favourite JE has to grant you a wish what would it be:
Sponsor and bring me for every tour concert, performance, event that he or they are going for~ *laughs*

90. If you have a wish about JE, what would it be:
Attend every concert held and attain every possible collection of their releases.

91. If you are reborn, you wish to be who:
No idea. But probably as a Japanese who can be close to them~ Or probably a Japanese-Chinese and stay in Taiwan~^^

92. If you are a Johnny's right now, who do you wish you are:
Tegoshi, and gets concern from Yamapi openly~^^

93. If you can ask your favourite Johnny or your favourite JE band a question, what would it be:
Hmmm.. Either I have no question, or I have tons of questions which I can't think of any now. Gosh..

94. Did you ever had a dream with a Johnny:
I think I did. With Yamapi or probably NEWS as well.

95. If yes, when was it and what was it:
Can't recall anymore. Because I have no habit of jotting dreams down~ *cries*

96. Do you have any realizable goal in your life that has to do with JE:
Oh yes.. I think it's realizable. That is to attend NEWS concerts in the future, and visit Japan for JE goods~

97. Do you like JE BL fanfic:
Used to like, but neutral now~

98. If yes, who are the best couple of JE:
I think it's still TegoPi!!

99. If you are Johnny-san what would you change about JE:
Bring JE into other Asian countries namely Singapore~ *laughs*

100. Do you like this survey:
If only it could be NEWS-centric~


1)你的名前.本命.本命歷。[Your Name, Honmei (favourite person), duration of Honmei]
本命歷:1 yr+

2)第二位是誰?(複數可) [Second? (May be more than one)]
Tegoshi, Massu, Shige, Ryo, Kei

3)第三位是誰?(複數可) [Third? (May be more than one)]
As above~^^

4)何時&何處開始認識你的本命?[When and where did you start to know your Honmei?]
1 yr+ ago from Mai!!

5)對本命的第一印象?[First impression of Honmei?]
Oh.. Like this. No impression in fact~ *laughs*

6)本命從前到現在最大的改變是?[The biggest change of Honmei from before?]
Becomes flirtish?! But not totally bad~ Smiles more! And more outspoken!!^^

7)對Johnny's 以外的男性藝人有興趣嗎?[Are you interested in any male artists other than Johnny's?]
I guess so? I still have 5566~^^

8)有參加過J家的concert嗎?[Have you gone for any JE concerts?]
Sadly, no..

9)誰的concert呢?[Whose concert?]

10)現在最想去看誰的concert?[Whose concert would you like to see the most right now?]
No matter when, it will always be NEWS~ But if non-JE, 5566~^^

11)喜歡怎樣稱呼你的本命?[How would you like to address your Honmei?]
Actually, anything will do~

12)事實上是怎樣稱呼你的本命?[How do you address your Honmei in reality?]
Pi? Yamapi?

13)覺得本命的外表哪裡最好看?[Which part of Honmei do you think is the most nice looking?]
Every part.. *laughs* But probably, built?

14)說出本命的習慣/癖好。[Name the habits of Honmei.]
Uses left hand to hold chopsticks when he is a right-hander. Habitually closes his right eye when winking~^^

15)以一種動物來形容你的本命。[Use a kind of animal to describe your Honmei.]
Difficult question. I thought of Dog immediately. Probably cuz he has dogs? Hahaha.. But it's applicable on him too~ For a dog, you need time to gain its trust, and it'll follow you and trust you and do everything it can for you once you gain its trust. Most of the times it looks tame, but when it's fierce, it can be really scary~ But most of the time, they are easy going~

16)曾為本命而感動的事。[Something about Honmei that touched you/Something you felt touched for Honmei/Time when you were touched by Honmei]
Firstly, I can't exactly interpret this question, even when it's in Chinese~ My goodness.. Whichever it is, it's feeling touched and get to do with Honmei right?

Wow.. Challenging.. Because I can't remember things that touched me.. I only remember songs by Pi which touched me.. I can't remember exactly, but there was once I exclaimed "I LOVE YOU PI!" while watching something.. I guess I was touched by him that time.. Because that was the first time I ever exclaimed something like this..

But about songs that touched me.. TMTC.. Technical term used in Microbiology which means "Too Many To Count" *laughs*~ I mean the times.. Well.. I think his voice just touches me everytime.. I mean his live singing~^^ Whenever he sings live, I'll be so so so touched!! Yes!!

17)目前看過本命最爆笑的時刻是?[The funniest moment of Honmei seen so far?]
Hmmm.. Either he has no funniest moment, or he has too many~ *laughs* I think, it's the former~ Hahha..

18)對於本命,「說真的,不要再做這樣的事情了 !=_="」的事是?[Regarding Honmei, what is the "Seriously, don't do such things anymore! =_=" thing?]
Well.. Probably is lip-syncing.. Because I like his voice, and I really wanted him to sing live very much!!!!

19)對於本命,「說真的,請以後多多做這種事情!>v<」的事是? [Regarding Honmei, what is the "Seriously, please do more of such things! >v<" thing?]
Hehe.. Tons I think.. Such as singing live! Smiling~ Laughing out loud~ So long it's something he does willingly~^^ From the bottom of his heart!

20) 最愛看哪個J家的電視節目?[What is your favourite JE television programme?]
Hmmm.. None I guess.. I focus more on their releases than shows.. But if one day NEWS ever got their own host shows, I'll make it a habit to watch it!

21)目前最喜歡本命哪一個髮型?[What is your favourite hairstyle of Honmei so far?]
Hmmm.. I can say, I like almost all of his hairstyles.. But by far, a hairstyle which can get me exclaim out loud would be that hairstyle he used for one Akaku Moyuru Taiyou performance. The time where he bunned his hair up.. I think he looked just gorgeous! But of course, not forgetting his KUROSAGI period hairstyle! That's one of the best times as well!

22)想要本命試試看的髮型?[Hairstyle which you want Honmei to try?]
I think he has tried more than what I can think of. I think.. Probably short and neat hairstyle? Something which looks like normal working adults.. Male.. Alright.. Probably long fringe, but with a short back~ Like what shige used to have at times?

23)如果可以變成任何一個Johnny's藝人一天,想變成誰?[If you could turned into any Johnny's Artist one day, who would you want to be?]
Well, said before.. Tegoshi, so that I can get Pi's concerns openly~!

24)會以這個身份做甚麼?[What will you do with this identity?]
*laughs* Play with Pi, and gets concerns from Pi~ Whine and all~ *laughs*

25)讓你覺得喜歡上本命而自豪的事是?[What makes you feel proud for liking Honmei?]
I think it was when Pi stands out from the rest in JE, and whenever Pi makes any achievement.. Even when he makes improvements or slight effort in changing, I'll feel very proud~ Basically, anything that Pi does will make me feel proud and glad that I like him~^^

26)覺得這件事只有你的本命才能做到的... [Something which you felt that only your Honmei can accomplished...]
Overtake KimuTaku's current place!!!^^ (I seriously think he is the only one who can overtake KimuTaku's place!!! By the way, that's one of the times where I felt super proud that I like him!!)

27)覺得本命無論如何都做不到的事... [Something which you felt that Honmei can never ever accomplished...]
Conquer the hearts of everyone.. Well, nobody will be able to do it anyway~

28)如果沒有喜歡上本命,現在自己會是甚麼樣子?[If you had not fallen for Honmei, how would you be like now?]
Having more money, probably not as much of determination to learn japanese.. Still living as per normal? Lesser fangirling.. Hahaha..

29)最適合當甜品店的店員的J家藝人。[The JE artist who is most suitable for working in a dessert shop.]
Massu~^^ I thought for smile, happiness, and that's what comes to my mind~

30)最適合當便利店員的J家藝人。[The JE artist who is most suitable for working in a convenience store]
Pi? Somehow I have this impression that he can work as the cashierer~ *laughs*

31)最適合當校長的J家藝人。[The JE artist who is most suitable for working as a principal.]
Oh no.. I can't imagine that.. But if I have to think.. Probably Tsuyoshi from Kinki Kids~

32)最適合當男護士的J家藝人。[The JE artist who is most suitable for working as a male nurse.]
Pi again? Since he acted in Code Blue as a doctor.. But suddenly I thought of tego!^^ *laughs*

33)最適合當社工的J家藝人。[The JE artist who is most suitable for working as a social worker.]
What is a social worker? White collars? Or volunteers? Hmmm.. I think Kei and Shige are not bad~^^

34)最適合當社團頭目的J家藝人。[The JE artist who is most suitable for working as the head of a group.]
I can't really understand this question.. Group? Something like hobbies community? I don't think it's referring to those ganster groups right? *laughs* Nevermind.. As a leader, of course I thought of Pi first.. But after second thoughts, it's Ryo~

35)如果媽媽和本命一同遇溺,你會先救誰?[If your mother and Honmei are drowning at the same time, who would you save first?]
Bad question. People who knows more about me will understand. But who cares~ I won't save? Since I can't choose.. Anyway, I can't swim that well to save someone, and Honmei CAN SWIM~

36)本命結婚了,覺得對方會是個怎樣的人?[Honmei is married, what kind of person do you think the other party will be?]
Hmmm.. Someone who loves Pi not only for he is Pi, but someone who can understand him better than anyone of us who exists, that's why Pi choose her..

37)生日日期有沒有和Johnny's藝人一樣的?[Is your birthday same as any of the Johnny's Artists?]
None~ But it's the same as Derrick Hoh, and it's just 2 days later than NEWS form!! (well, better than nothing~)

38)覺得本命最適合為什麼產品拍廣告?[What kind of product do you think is the most suitable for Honmei to shoot as an ad?]
*laughs* Practically any food~ But I'm thinking of cream puff right now, cuz I like the way he licks the cream off his lips~ *laughs*

39) 最喜歡J家哪首歌的舞步?[What is your favourite dance move of a song from JE?]
I think it's TEPPEN!! *laughs* Eh! No! I think it's Kibou ~YELL~!!! *laughs* Either one!^^ I can't decide!

40)覺得本命跳舞好看嗎?[Do you think Honmei looks nice when dancing/Do you think Honmei is good at dancing?]
There are 2 ways in interpreting this question? *laughs* Both are YES anyway.. Pi is so good at dancing!^^ I Love the way he dances!

41)本命的Dance特徵。[Special features of Honmei's Dance.]
Oh.. Is this a simple or difficult question? Well.. He likes to wink^^ With his right eye closed during dance.. He does seductive moves during intervals as well~^^ And oh!! He likes to move his right hand in a way very often.. But that's not during his dances, it's during his singings~ Tugging of his coat if there is any.. I can't think of anymore~

42) 本命的唱歌特徵。[Special features of Honmei's singing.]
Short note? But I think that's due to shortness of breath~ *laughs* And as mentioned before, his right hand!! His right hand in a hand-shaking shape, placing it higher than his head, then his looks/sight/view will follow his right hand as it moves down~ Some times the eyes will not look at the hand, but the hand will still move from above the head to bout chest height~^^ I shall cut out a clip to show when I have the time~^^

43)最喜歡哪一個團體?[Favourite group?]
Oh, this has not been asked before? *laughs* NEWS!!!!!!!!!!

44)那個團體內喜歡誰?(複數可) [Who do you like in that group? (May be more than one)]
Oh.. Everyone.. *laughs*

45)喜歡的配搭是誰?(複數可) [Favourite pairing? (May be more than one)]
If you had learnt combination in Additional mathematics before, please compute the answer of 6C2 + 6C3 + 6C4 + 6C5 + 6C6 (which is 1).. If you have not, the answer is 57.. What does it mean? It just means I like every kind of pairing so long its within the group, which has a total of 57 pairings~ 15 OTP, 20 OT3, 15 OT4, 6 OT5 and 1 OT6~ *laughs*

46)最喜歡本命的哪一瞬間?[Which moment of Honmei is your favourite?]
Too many moments~ But I shall use the moment which makes me fall for him? That is "tsk-ahhhh" during Daite SENORITA performance~

47)最理想的結婚對象?(本命不可XD) (附理由) [Most ideal marriage partner? (cannot be Honmei XD) (with reason)]
Argh.. But I feel that Pi is the person who can love someone deeply! Alright.. Probably.. Massu? He seems to be a home-loving person~

48)希望誰是你的戀人?(本命不可XD) (附理由) [Who do you hope to be your lover? (cannot be Honmei XD) (with reason)]
Lover.. Probably Tegoshi? He is fun-loving I think~

49)希望誰是你的朋友?(附理由) [Who do you hope to be your friend? (with reason)]
Tegoshi! As said before, he seems to be fun-loving!

50)希望誰是你的哥哥?(附理由) [Who do you hope to be your elder brother? (with reason)]
Kei!! He seems to be very caring~

51)希望誰是你的弟弟?(附理由) [Who do you hope to be your younger brother? (with reason)]
Shige~^^ Because he will then be sensible enough to take care of himself, but occasionally dependent on me~^^ That would be cute!

52)希望自己將來的孩子像誰?(附理由) [Who do you hope that your future child will look like? (with reason)]
Probably tegoshi~ Then the child will be pretty and nice looking at the same time~^^

53)希望誰當你的鄰居?(附理由) [Who do you hope to be your neighbour? (with reason)]
*laughs* What kind of question is that? Pi~ So that I can be on good terms with him and become closer? *laughs*

54)請跟Johnny san說一句話。[Please say something to Johnny san.]
Bring NEWS and Yamapi into Singapore~

55)寵物的名字是用Johnny's藝人的名字嗎?[Is the name of your pet adopted from Johnny's Artist?]
No.. But I once had the thought of getting a dog and calling it "pi"~ *laughs* And my friend said the dog will feel insulted.. What only~ -_-||

56)對過份瘋狂的飯有甚麼看法?[What views do you have on crazy fans?]
Scary.. And hope that they will learn how to be normal and respect the artists~

57)有沒有曾經有其他本命?現在他是甚麼身份?[Did you ever have any other Honmei? What is he now?]
Yes, I did and I do~ 5566's Renfu! *laughs* He's still an artist, and also a father of 2!

58)覺得不像Johnny's藝人的人是誰?(複數可) [Who do you think that does not look like a Johnny's Artist? (May be more than one)]
Can't think of many, but Shige is one~ *laughs* Too not idol-like!!

59)覺得誰是「Idol就是他了」的Johnny's藝人是誰?[Who do you think is the "He is the Idol~" Johnny's Artist?]
It must be Yamapi~^^

60)有沒有見過本命的暗瘡?[Have you ever seen Honmei's pimple before?]
Oh.. Yes I have, in some of the videos? I think I've seen more of Shige's.. *laughs*

61)喜歡本命修眉嗎?[Do you like Honmei to trim his eyebrows?/Do you like the eyebrows of Honmei?]
I think its the latter.. Pi trims his eyebrows? I don't think so.. *laughs*~ Can't really see his eyebrows since most of the times his fringe will cover them.. But I think they suits him~^^

62)你的本命有男的一面和女的一面嗎?[Does your Honmei has a Masculine side and a Feminine side?]
Oh yes~^^ I think he does~ *laughs*

63)男的一面和女的一面的時候,比較喜歡那一方?[Masculine side and Feminine side, which one do you prefer?]
Hmmm.. I think it's still the Masculine side~

64)如果給你知道本命的一個秘密,那會是甚麼?[If you were to know one of Honmei's secret, what would that be?]
I don't know.. Probably if he has any bad habits? *laughs* To see if he is a real human~

65)會覺得自己很快會轉換本命嗎?[Will you feel that you'll switch Honmei quickly?]
No.. Because I know it's not that easy for me to get to like someone, and make it a Honmei.. I like Renfu for 6 years and still going on~^^ I know Pi will last~^^

66)最想看擔當在drama中演怎麼樣的角色?[What kind of character in a drama would you like to see most?]
I think the question is asking you about Honmei, and what kind of character would you like to see.. I had some idea that time.. But I forgot about it now~ I would like to see him challenging some difficult roles though~ Probably detective? *laughs* Swindler was a good one~^^

67)有沒有給你說話有意義感覺的Johnny's藝人?[Is there any Johnny's Artist which makes you feel that their saying is very meaningful?]
Difficult question. But of course again, must be Pi~ *laughs*

68)現在的心情如何?[How do you feel now?]
Too long a meme~ *laughs*

69)希望本命改善的地方。[Things which you hope that Honmei can improve on.]
Well, must be live singing.. Not really as in improving because I know he can sing live, and sing well.. It more of the confidence and also the times of singing live.. Improve on it, sing live more!!

70)希望本命永遠不變的地方。[Something which you hope that Honmei will never ever change.]
His charisma.. Please always be that attractive!^^

71)有寫過信給本命嗎?有得過回信嗎?[Have you written to Honmei before? Did you have any replies?]
I think it's counted as yes. As in for replies.. Since it's not meant for myself solely~

72)最想看看本命作甚麼打扮?[What kind of outfit would you like to see Honmei wearing the most?]
Hmmm.. I'm thinking of colours~ Like pure black, pure white, suaving looks~ *laughs*

73)你最喜歡的團體要主持一個新的電視節目,請為節目提名。[Your favourite group is going to host a new tv programme, please suggest a name for the show.]
News de NEWS (meaning NEWS with News)

74)當有表演時只會注意本命一人嗎?[Do you only notice Honmei whenever there are performances?]
Of course not! But for the first time I'll focus on Pi, then rewatch to focus on the others~ *laughs*

75)看見誰給予本命愛時最窩心?[Who is the one to give love to Honmei will you feel the most heart-warming?]
Alright.. I fail at translating this question.. Because it is too difficult to phrase! And I don't feel like spending my brain juice just on this question.. *laughs* Anyway, I think everyone so long he's from NEWS~ Or probably, it's still ryo, since he is the closest with Pi.. But Kei is not bad~^^ I think it's the age, I can't relate shige, massu and tego with giving love to Pi~ *laughs*

76)想跟他說「請給我的本命多一點愛!」的人是?[Who is the one would you want to tell him "Please give more love to my Honmei!"?]
I think it's Massu~ He needs to give more love to NEWS~ *laughs*

77)最喜歡本命表演哪一首歌的時候?[Which song do you like Honmei to perform the most?]
Well, this question is very tricky to translate as well~ Basically, it's asking which song performance do you like the most. But not just one performance, it's more like which song do you like most, whenever your Honmei performs it..

And it's hard to answer as well. Because I'll have 2 songs.. Argh.. I think, I like Daite SENORITA very very very much!! But if he is not singing live, no point watching the performance.. So another choice of mine would be the one and only performance, Time.. Not much of a performance, and 99% sure that that was a lip sync.. But I love that song.. So I like the time when he performs Time.. *laughs*

78)請形容一下本命現在的形象。[Please describe briefly how Honmei is portrayed as now.]
Hmmm.. More outgoing, outspoken and fun-loving person?

79)當在決定性的時刻,本命做出一些搗亂的行為時,應該容許嗎?[During crucial period, when Honmei did something to disturb, should it be allowed?]
If it's done to lighten the mood, some small jokes.. It's ok, but if that is unrespectful (which I think Pi will never do it..), of course that shouldn't be allowed.

80)最適合演正義超人(像超人迪加那種)的Johnny's藝人是誰?[Who is the most suitable Johnny's Artist to act as justice super powered person (like ultraman that kind~)?]
I thought of Jin.. Surprisingly~ *laughs* Alright, he shall do~

81)最適合當小朋友節目的主持人的Johnny's藝人是誰?[Who is the most suitable Johnny's Artist to become the host of children programme?]

82)覺得哪個Johnny's藝人的名字最好聽/看?(複數可) [Which Johnny's Artist's name do you think is the most nice looking or nice to hear? (May be more than one)]
I can't translate!! Argh!! Anyway, firstly it would be "Yamashita Tomohisa" and its Kanji!^^ I think having same number of syllabus in both family name and name is very nice!! And I think Yamashita sounds so much cooler than family names like Yamada which is much more common if i'm not wrong? Yamashita is not that common I think?

And I'm trying very very hard to think of names.. I can't~ *laughs*

83)很任性的Johnny's藝人是誰?[Which Johnny's Artist is very willful?]
Hmmm.. I think it's tegoshi~ *laughs*

84)無論如何被罵也不會生氣的Johnny's藝人是誰?[Which Johnny's Artist will not get angry despite being scolded in any ways?]
I think it's Kei.. I believe he has very good EQ~^^

85)那麼,像是很易生氣的Johnny's藝人是誰?[Then, which Johnny's Artist seems to be easily provoked?]
I think it's Ryo~ *laughs*

86)最純情的Johnny's藝人是誰?[Which Johnny's Artist is the most naive/innocent/pure?]
Can't really translate the word.. Anyway, I think it's Shige.. *laughs*

87)最搞笑的Johnny's藝人是誰?[Which Johnny's Artist is the funniest?]
Domoto Tsuyoshi.

88)最膽小的Johnny's藝人是誰?[Which Johnny's Artist is the most timid?]
I think its Kei~^^

89)最會撒嬌的Johnny's藝人是誰?[Which Johnny's Artist whines (not really whine, but like... always pleases ppl to go his way? hmmm~ HELP!!!!!!!!) the most?]
Tegoshi, especially after seeing how he behaves with other NEWS members~

90)治癒系的Johnny's藝人是誰?[Which Johnny's Artist looks "healing"?]
It's asking for people who looks like they can heal things or rather, can heal your bad mood when you see them~ *laughs* And I thought of Ikuta Toma! But on second thought, I wont feel healed just by seeing him, I need to see Pi~ *laughs*

91)對這個人感到恐懼!!!是哪一個Johnny's藝人?[I'm afraid of this person! Which Johnny's Artist is he?]
Ryo? He looks the scariest in NEWS~ *laughs*

92)感覺好像很溫柔的Johnny's藝人是誰?[Which Johnny's Artist seems to be very gentle?]
Pi!! And I think he is gentle!!

93)像是運動神經最好的Johnny's藝人是誰?[Which Johnny's Artist seems to best in sports?]
I think Massu~^^

94)超積極向前的Johnny's藝人是誰?[Which Johnny's Artist is very hard working and ambitious?]

95)像是很消極的Johnny's藝人是誰?[Which Johnny's Artist seems to be pessimistic?]
Domoto Tsuyoshi~ *laughs*

96)覺得擁有多方面實力才華的Johnny's藝人是誰?[Which Johnny's Artist do you think is talented in many areas?]
Pi!!! He can beat KimuTaku one day! I believe!!

97)覺得很天然的Johnny's藝人是誰?[Which Johnny's Artist do you think is very natural?]

98)事實上最近有沒有熱衷和冷漠的事?[Honestly are there any passionate and ignorant things recently?]
Well, if you're referring to out of JE, of course there are~ *laughs* I'm passionate about FTLY! Ignorant things are like exams~ OH MY!

99)請對本命說一句話!真的只能一句喔~[Please say something to Honmei! Only one sentence!]
I will support you until the day I'm unable to do so so please work hard and do the best in everything but not neglecting your rest and private life and don't forget to sing more lives as I really like your lives and I think you can do it if you try so don't let anyone down especially yourself in everything that you do and I hope to see more love and interactions between you and other members in NEWS as well as everyone being better friends and bonding well in NEWS so please work hard and I'll stay by NEWS side! (one sentence? *laughs*)


Alright.. its the end~ I think nobody will ever read~ *laughs*

16 August, 2008


I've made a decision. Just. I hope I did not make a wrong choice.

Gosh... I sounded so serious right? I think I did. Hahaha. Actually, all I wanted to do was to watch the subbed movie of Kurosagi. I don't think I want to wait till my birthday, for the DVD to arrive. I shall watch it now. Get it over and done with.

Then I shall finally officially move on to Code Blue, which is still not completed yet. Will I buy this series? Definitely NO. Because I've learnt that buying the original series is too costly. I wouldn't be able to afford it. I shall only support their releases, NEWS releases I mean. Hahaha.

Proposal Daisakusen shall be my first and only official collection of Pi's drama. Oh well. Together with Kurosagi movie DVD and Proposal Daisakusen Special. But from now on, no more drama! Unless it's super nice then probably I'll buy the PK version. But never the original from Japan!!! *promises* Actually, I think I may go back on my words. So... *fingers crossed*

Alright. I hope I don't regret watching Kurosagi now. Because I think it is not coming Singapore at all. So I shall watch it first~ Ja ne!

15 August, 2008


stole from grace's blog.. hahahha..

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