Yes.. I'm doing something.. *laughs* star asked me to do this as well.. so i'm doing it now.. later i shall go over to her blog and tag~ haha!
so, below.. is my full collection of NEWS!! these are the official goods.. if you're referring to those dvd i bought from Poh Kim.. i'm not taking them into any consideration.. *laughs* to me they are pirated.. anyway.. total of 17 items.. i wondered how much hav i spent on all these.. and i tried my best to lay them out nicely~ haha.. i took 2 pics of different resolutions.. feel so happy to see them on my bed~ this is like.. i dono.. i cant describe^^ anyway, let's move on! haha..

i think my format somewhat standard.. passage first.. then pictures.. the first disc i'm going to present is, touch RE.. anyway, i've placed the disc in chronological order, except for dvds and TnN.. because i don want to destroy the formation.. *laughs* anyway, touch RE.. i bought this during my period of "i-must-collect-all-possible-NEWS-singles-and-albums".. obviously, i cant find the LE because it is out of print.. LE has DVD some more.. *wasted*
frankly, even until now, i still cant remember the order of the songs in this disc.. *reflects* but overall, i give it a 7/10^^ though not full, because i cant appreciate all the songs in it.. i can sing along, i even know the lyrics for some parts, but i cant relate to the songs yet.. i need to listen more.. *laughs* but there is one addictive song in this album, that is "CHERISH [Ryoji Remix]"^^ i love this remix soooooo much.. not that i don like the original version, but this remix version is nice!! i love the effects and all~ *laughs* probably i'm weird..
another thing is that, it contains Love Song.. *laughs* not that this song brought me into the fandom, but this is the first song of Pi which i've memorised so-called fully.. and, was forced by my friend, to sing with her.. *laughs* i miss those times.. where i was forced by her to listen to Pi and watch dramas.. but i admit, Love Song is the first song i approved of Pi (before i heard Daite Senorita).. (he doesn have many solos anyway.. jus Love Song and Colourful since i didn listen to Daite single..)
by the way, this album contains some of the infamous songs that NEWS always sings during concerts.. Kibou ~Yell~, Kirameki no Kanata e, Akaku Moyuru Taiyou, I.ZA.NA.I.ZU.KI (kuchizuke wo~), NEWS NIPPON and Stand Up!^^

next up, Seishun Amigo RE! haha.. another single bought during that period.. as usual, the LE is already out of print.. so i can only get the RE.. however, after several thoughts, probably the RE will do as fine.. *laughs* i did not watch gokusen.. i only watched nobuta.. and for nobuta, i watched it because i was forced by my friend.. during that time i didn like pi at all.. it was my friend who likes pi and was going crazy over him.. so she forced me to listen to Seishun Amigo.. i admit that the song is catchy and nice.. but i didn tell her that last time^^ *laughs* however when i finally fall for Pi and NEWS, *laughs* here it comes as one of my collections..
Colourful is one song.. i dono how to say.. *laughs* but what i want to express is that the more you listen to it, the more you'll grow to like it.. i didn really like it when i compared to Love Song.. (it was during that time when i was forced..) but now, i enjoyed this song as much as every song every time it plays^^ i even have the karaoke in my phone because i love this song too much~
i didn like kizuna at first.. now, i'm neutral.. *laughs* i think i'm bias.. because i'm not a KT fan.. but kizuna sounds nice.. its jus that, not really my type.. even if its pi who sings it, i may not like it? or rather.. i don like the chorus.. too heavy.. i think the verse is better than the chorus.. nvm.. i don even understand the lyrics and here i am doing all these criticising.. *laughs*
overall, 6.5/10.. really, i dono why i gave such a low mark.. can someone tell me? *laughs* but i guess the lowest has yet to come.. anyway, it is a nice single to listen to, but not on the repeat.. *laughs*

yeah!! Daite Senorita!! i love this single! haha.. here you see, LE and RE.. RE, was bought during that period.. but the LE, is not.. by the time i fall for Pi and all.. its already mid of june 2007.. where on earth can you find LE? everywhere is out of print.. i only managed to get the LE this year, during jan.. its second-handed, and from amazon market place.. it cost me.. $40 at least.. soooo expensive.. i can buy 2 singles with this money! but, its LE, and out of print.. even though there is a crack on the case, even though it is not brand new, even though it no longer has the sticker on the plastic wrap, i'm still happy that i've got it now.. Dont worry, i'll make the $40 worth it~ *laughs*
it has a dvd! in LE.. *laughs* and i really like the songs very much! however, probably i prefer the old version of yubiwa than the new version.. daite is the song which brought me to the fandom!! i remember watching some performances of Pi, and i watched the perf of Daite on one show.. cant remember the name, but Pi was performing it.. then, i got sucked in.. *laughs* it wasn because of NwP, it wasnt because of Love Song, nor Seishun nor Colourful nor KUROSAGI.. its Daite Senorita.. *laughs*
i'll give it a 9/10!^^ not full yet because i know they will jus keep improving themselves and give us more and better songs~! i can listen to this single on repeat!! without getting bored.. i guess this single really means a lot a lot to me.. thank you yamashita tomohisa san for releasing this single!

Seishu.. Wrong.. *laughs* Fever to Future.. blame it on the lyrics.. *laughs* remember "domb movbb, gime de mahne"? it was until i got my LE, then i knew what happened.. surprisingly, i managed to find brand new copy of LE on amazon, and right after i bought it for the actual price, they had a discount and selling for only 600 YEN.. how nice.. someone took it i guess.. it wasn there anymore after a week.. *laughs* the RE, is the FIRST single i bought.. yes, the official FIRST single i bought.. even though i might have ordered in mise ( i forgot frankly..), this is the FIRST single i have.. and its the one which caused a din in HMV.. not going to repeat anymore.. search for that post on ur own.. *laughs*
i like the yellowish GYM than pinkish GYM!! *laughs* Fever to Future is a song which i like very much right after i fall for Pi.. there were some songs which i was going crazy over during that period of time.. Kibou ~Yell~, Fever to Future, Hoshi wo Mezashite, Daite Senorita and others~ i like FtF very much the moment i saw their perf in Music Station.. or rather, Pi with KITTY.. i love the dance! haha.. but even until now, i have not learnt it yet.. *laughs*
right after i like Pi, my friend bombarded me with many Pi solos.. can be SC rips, can be CD rips.. during that time, i like all CD rips, which includes Hokago BLUES.. but not my friend.. i think she is slow.. after say.. 5 ~ 6 mths? she's coming back to me and telling me that Hokago BLUES is nice.. didn i already tell her so? so.. this single contains Hokago BLUES as well^^
but frankly, i'll skip "Run for your love" in my phone.. unless i really have the mood to listen to it.. i find it, a little too slow and boring.. My Angel is much better!~ I love the perf! the one and only perf of My Angel~ therefore, i'm giving this single 6.5/10.. I really love the song FtF, and Hokago BLUES.. but then, i don really listen to "Run for your love" and the karaoke of FtF.. somehow, this can be on the repeat, but i'll skip the songs frequently as well..

Oh yes.. My favourite single of all!! really! i can give it a 10/10 right away.
The End. Kidding.. *laughs* firstly, i think this single means very very much to NEWS.. and i was touched when i watch their perf in MS! the one with medley.. the one with fans surrounding them when they sang HwM.. i was seriously touched.. but i dono what happened, this is the single which i had the most problem in finding.. there is no stock in amazon! as in, new stock.. and i couldn get from mise because they dragged it for such a long time.. and finally.. my first and only, Taiwan version single.. RE. after buying then i realised, taiwan version is better!^^ *laughs* they provide translations, they provide romanji/furigana.. it is almost the same as japan version jus with additional stuffs! but afterall, i'm a collector going for japan products.. so.. this is my first, and will be my last.. unless i have any problem getting the japan version..
the LE, was bought together with Daite LE.. amazingly, it was Brand NEW when it arrived.. i was expecting it to be a second handed copy.. but it was not.. so, i was happy!! haha.. i watched the dvd as well.. all so nice and clear^^ the reason why this is a 10/10 singles, is because of the songs.. seriously.. i really love all the songs in this single.. HwM, needless to say? Boom Boom POWER has a history.. *laughs*
before i started to buy NEWS singles and all.. i was merely listening to their songs.. (yes, all downloaded..) because that was jus the start of my fandom.. i listened to Pi's, i listened to NEWS.. i listened to JE.. i even searched for the list of their songs, and dl every single song, so that i can judge which song i like, and which to put into my phone.. during that time, i only listened to the songs once, and decide if i'll be liking it or not.. and i'll save a copy of the lyrics for songs that i think i'll like.. BBP is in it! but i didn listen to it after the first time.. *laughs* but you know what? NEWS DVD changed me.. *laughs* i have such a long history!! i wan to share! but nvm, i'll wait till my anniversary~ *laughs* jus another 3 mths more!! i shall wait! *laughs*
akai hana has the same fate as well.. listened once.. and not anymore.. but i had the lyrics with me.. so, it already appealed to me.. just that i didn bother to listen to it more.. But Best Friend, is one song which i really like and love a lot.. sometimes i may even get touched just by listening to the prelude.. *laughs* so at the end of the day, i grew to love all the songs in this single.. and this single, can be repeated as many times as i want without feeling tired of it.. *laughs*
EDIT: *laughs* i think the part on akai hana is misleading.. as well as BBP.. i like them and i love them all now~!^^ its just that during that time, they have the same fate.. which is.. lyrics saved.. but didn manage to get into my 1GB memory card for my phone.. but the fact that lyrics was saved means that the song already appealed to me.. so after listening again, of course i got addicted~ *laughs* i'm going to listen to it~ yeah~!!

weeeek.. finally, the first single that was released after i became their fans officially^^ however, even though i love weeeek very much, i don think the coupling songs appeal to me.. probably, i don really like westernize music.. "why" is not really my type of song.. i certainly like Rainbow and love Rainbow!^^ with me is a smooth song.. but somehow, stops growing on me after listening for many times.. it is stagnant now and it just remains there..
probably, just a 7.5/10? and also.. i think Rainbow and weeeek contributed more to this single.. and i realised, NEWS doesn like to release DVD with singles.. why is that so? *laughs* they are getting more budget.. but their PVs are improving^^

Then, together with weeeek, its Pacific~!! *laughs* this is NEWS's second album.. it has more variety compared to touch? individual members are able to show themselves more in this album.. there are only 4 songs from previous singles, SAYAENDOU, TEPPEN, Hadashi no CINDERELLA BOY and Hoshi wo Mezashite.. there are solos and duets and trios.. somehow, pacific didn appeal to me when i first listen to it.. especially songs that were performed during concerts.. i don really like them.. but when i listened to the CD version.. *laughs* i like them immediately.. like what my friend said, they were too reckless during the concert.. or rather, Ryo and his "code"..
koyato duets are nice, but i get tired if i listen to it too many times.. ai no matador is the breakthrough of NEWS.. *laughs* now i don't find it strange anymore.. *laughs* (look at bambina and lady spider..) they re-sang TEPPEN.. and somehow, i agree that it is not as genki as the previous one.. but nevermind.. its NEWS anyway, we know that they will be capable to make better music for us!
Change the World is a CM song.. but i really like it the moment i listened to it during the CM~! and indeed, this song did not disappoint me^^ it can be on the repeat.. just this song alone~ Kimi omofu yoru has an intriguing (did i use the correct word?) prelude.. its like bringing you into another space.. right now, it is playing in my head^^ i love this song!!!
ai nante is a sad and emo song.. it touched many ppl.. it touched me, but only once.. probably, i wasn able to feel the sadness of this song.. probably i need to have a deeper understanding of this song.. nevertheless, tego's voice never stop to amaze me.. *laughs*
on the other hand, nanto ka naru sa is a happy-go-lucky and carefree song.. even though there is only one line for Pi, i like this song very very much~ too massu.. *laughs* but, i get tired of it as well when i listen to it for too many times..
Gomen ne JULIET is one of the best songs from Pi.. the other one which i like very much, is Time.. unfortunately, only the lyrics were written by Pi.. nevertheless, Time is a very very lovely song.. those who have not heard it yet, please have a go at "Time".. it is kinda disappointing that Pi has never performed GnJ live.. if there is one thing i wanted the most, i think its to have Pi singing live for every song he performs.. I'll look forward to this day^^
mafuyu no nagareboshi and sono egao boku ni misete are the bonus tracks in RE.. i love mafuyu more than sono egao~ *laughs* i think mafuyu sounds more heartwarming and touching^^ thank goodness for these 2 bonus tracks~ *laughs* i think, pacific scored an 8.5/10^^ it is a nice album to listen to while you're relaxing~

history again~ *laughs* this was released and i went to mise to order the taiwan version, which hasn't arrive even until now.. and on the other hand, i realised that amazon is having a discount and i feel that i HAVE to buy it! *laughs* i wonder what got onto me that time.. so i bought it.. this is the one which makes me fall for more songs of NEWS.. i admit i wasn a hard core fan when i started out as NEWS fan.. in fact, i was more of a Pi fan.. seriously.. *laughs* not that i'm not now.. i'll collect more Pi-centered items than other members.. but i still love NEWS overall.. you can call me whatever names you like but that will not deny the fact that i love NEWS as a whole.. i took 6-9 mths for this transition, and i'm proud that i've changed within this period.. Pi brought me to obsession and TegoPi brought me to pairing.. but now, I'm a NEWS fan.. no longer a pure Pi fan or tegopi shipper and all..
anyway, this DVD is a must-watch.. though i find it too short.. if only there were more performances.. if only there were more MC-ing.. if only i could watch the concerts live~ *laughs* i shall be awaiting for the Pacific Con DVD!^^ time to save money~ so the rating will be.. 8.5/10? too little.. i want more~ *laughs*

Proposal Daisakusen.. took a mth of my allowance away.. seriously.. and now, the DVD for the special.. i'm still considering.. afterall, NEWS is more impt than Pi.. *laughs* what am i saying?!?!? but then, instead of spending on drama, probably i'll spend more on their songs and performances.. so.. SP.. Bye Bye. but then.. if i get it, it'll be a complete set!! *laughs*
never did i regret on buying this DVD set.. but it is too precious.. *laughs* i don wan to watch it.. even for my NEWS DVD, i only watched ONCE!! one day, when i can understand Japanese fully, it'll be the day for me to watch this.. but with all the behind the scenes and interviews, this is very worth it.. *laughs* for everything, it scored 8/10!! haha.. cuz the ending is not good.. i need my SP~!!

Last but not least, NEWS NIPPON 0304.. Taiwan version, second-handed and in bad condition.. stupid mise swindled my money.. at least it has subs.. but i think japan version will be so much better~ and i really hate them.. jus $15 more, i can get Taiwan Version, DVD, and Brand New.. Therefore, i will not buy in mise unless desperate.. and i was.. i think a mths ago? yup..
anyway, it has many perfs, esp "pain" which i like a lot!! shock me as well, yubiwa as well^^ these perfs are very enjoyable! if not for the stupid vcd quality.. i like the interviews as well~ but you can see that, they are still new.. as in.. they are not very close.. i'm glad that NEWS is closer now.. for those who said that they are acting (probably they are), go away~! overall.. for content, 7.5/10! for quality, which is my stupid lousy second-handed copy, 3/10..

did you realised i missed something? *laughs* clever~ its Taiyou no NAMIDA!! i pitied these 2 singles.. because i wasnt in my right mind to open it properly.. yes.. stupid me.. argh.. anyway, this is an enjoyable single overall!^^ in fact.. i love Lady Spider!! though i know there are many who doesn really like it.. but somehow, the song grew on me^^ *laughs* bambina on the other hand, is getting a little boring.. *laughs* and not forgetting utskushisugite beautiful eyes~ it is such a beautiful song!! NEWS always like to have long titles.. "Yume wo Kazu Dake Ai ga Umareru", "Sono Egao Boku ni Misete", "Utsukushi Sugite Beautiful Eyes"
anyway, Taiyou no NAMIDA is the official theme song for KUROSAGI Movie!^^ hehe.. so of course, i'll like it~ hehe.. overall, 8.5/10? hehe.. actually, it can be 9^^ jus that.. *laughs* i don wanna give it such a high score.. i want Summer Time to surpass Taiyou no NAMIDA~!^^

i cant believe i took 2 hrs to type this post out.. i wan to bathe now!! i muz complete my Pi's card by next tuesday!! please!! let me do it! *laughs*